Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 I urge my hon. Friend to keep in close touch to make sure that response times are up to the charter .
2 But that S P G is about to be replaced by R P G is n't it ?
3 Mrs Van Butchell was not to be gawped at .
4 By section 5 of the Act , liability for contempt under the strict liability rule is not to be incurred if the risk of prejudice to the proceedings is merely incidental to such discussion .
5 James Joyce and Virginia Woolf were dead , Charles Maurras was a member of the Petain government and would soon be imprisoned for treason , Ezra Pound was about to be indicted on similar charges ( although Eliot refused to assist the Federal Bureau of Investigation in their inquiries about him ) .
6 The nationalisation programme was soon to be regarded as failing to tackle many of the country 's more fundamental economic problems , such as the still heavy reliance of the old industrial areas upon a narrow range of traditional industries — a reliance , if anything , re-emphasised by the needs of war — and the chronic problems of poor management , the commercial application of new technology , and industrial relations .
7 It was an unwritten rule in the department that teaching sessions were not to be interrupted by phone calls , especially not private ones .
8 The inquest into the Greenwich defeat was not to be a debate about the future direction of socialism in multi-cultural inner-city areas ; it was to be an appeal to homophobia .
9 Constable McLennan conveyed through the secretary the fact that a Neighbourhood Watch was about to be established covering Foulis Crescent and Woodhall Avenue and a preliminary meeting would be held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th January .
10 Constable McLennan conveyed through the secretary the fact that a Neighbourhood Watch was about to be established covering Foulis Crescent and Woodhall Avenue and a preliminary meeting would be held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th January .
11 1989:Ch. 8 ) , but their commitment to equal opportunities policies was undoubtedly to the credit of the New Left local authorities .
12 Children , too , were rather expected to play , and to play quietly , behind the house no balls or tin trumpets were ever to be left on the gravel sweep .
13 On the continent , however , mixtures are used , though how effective this is compared with single remedy prescriptions is still to be evaluated .
14 Guidelines methods are also to be found at later decision-making stages of the process , governing , for example , emergency release , temporary release and parole practice ( Gottfredson 1987 ) .
15 At CCETSW this may be a problem as the four-year funded post of HIV/AIDS programme co-ordinator is not to be renewed .
16 So , if you 're 7 years old , or have a fondness for giant cuddly toys which speak very loudly indeed , Sesame Street is not to be missed .
17 So Saturday evening was back to the papers and then back home , usually about seven , mostly walking because you could n't afford the penny for the tram , no ha'penny fares , just a penny , w .
18 The officers stated that ‘ the Club could not be continued ’ and the entrance fee was again to be waived until membership reached 200 men and 100 ladies .
19 Sometimes within just a few minutes of the arrival of leaf-eating creatures , the tannin content is up to levels which make not only the leaves under attack , but all the other leaves of the tree toxic or at least unpalatable .
20 Section 14(1) provides that , subject to a dispensation granted by the Secretary of State for Transport , a fishing vessel is only to be eligible to be registered in the new register if :
21 Professor Kathleen Tillotson is also to be applauded on her C.B.E .
22 Benefits of the new system are that orders are processed quicker , improving cashflow ; company stock figures are up to date and correct , instead of being hypothetical ; surplus stock is being used up ; a system has been created where there was no system , and the scheme has boosted customer satisfaction .
23 Section 22 reaffirms the notion that a partnership share is ordinarily to be seen as a proportion of the net distributable assets of the firm available for distribution at the end of the winding-up process and not as comprising a severable share in each of the partnership assets — though , as mentioned in Chapter 10 , the Revenue may take a different line .
24 I know what I think Miss Green 's up to but I 'd like to be sure . ’
25 Suppose , when they got back , he asked her what Miss Green was up to ?
26 Suppose , when they got back , he asked her what Miss Green was up to ?
27 — Middlesbrough singer Lawrie Bennett is off to Cromer next week to star in the Pavilion Theatre summer show .
28 By 1955 export prices were down to world levels , a development which must have accelerated the scrapping of old plant .
29 ‘ The dicta of three successive Lord Chief Justices are not to be lightly rejected .
30 A huge contribution to Britain 's export drive is about to be crated up and shipped to America .
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