Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [vb past] [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Allan Stewart had been itching to speak .
2 Investigations into the activities of this particular smuggling gang had been going on for nearly twelve months prior to the climax of Yashmak and were initiated in Sussex .
3 Michell 's work provided the opportunity researchers had been waiting for and Pat Gadsby and Chris Hutton-Squire , of the alternative technology magazine , Undercurrents , took up the challenge .
4 Von Stein had been checking the wall clock in the laboratory then looking back at his notes for some time .
5 At the NoS offices the champagne corks had been popping .
6 Ever since the two disastrous meetings she had had recently about Matilda , the first with the Headmistress and the second with the dreadful Mr and Mrs Wormwood , Miss Honey had been thinking a great deal about this child and wondering how she could help her .
7 Since December 1989 opposition groups had been demanding the trial of former President Yumjaagiyn Tsedenbal for causing economic stagnation in the 1960s and 1970s .
8 Mr Justice Otton was told they regretted helping to give currency to the allegation that John Major and Miss Latimer had been conducting an adulterous relationship .
9 David Lyell had been returning to Britain from Carolina as a member of the crew of a merchant vessel when his ship was intercepted by a cruiser and he was impressed for service in an undermanned warship .
10 Meantime , the Parents ' Action Committee had been writing letters to Councillors as well .
11 I suppose Miss Martindale had been baiting you ?
12 Hastings Borough Council had been pursuing compulsory purchase of the building but , in the light of surveyors ' reports apparently quoting costs of £2.5 million for repairs alone , made a last-minute decision against this and served a Dangerous Structures Notice instead .
13 While we talked Miss Sowerby had been cleaning up the patient with the head wound and , as the man prepared to leave , Reid cried to him , ‘ Head feel'um better ? ’
14 Miss Bayliss had been visiting her brother with her cousin Brian Barton , 21 , who was also strip searched .
15 Department officials had been monitoring the convoy which spent about two weeks at a roadside halt near Ardglass before slipping into Downpatrick overnight .
16 Lucy Lane had been working in his team for three years but he felt that he knew her only a little better than he had done after her first month .
17 Maisie Dougall had been listening to her friends going on and she thought it was about time she made a contribution .
18 Graham and Miss Gibson had been living at his house on the Riddings Estate in Scunthorpe but split up after a row on Monday night .
19 Even when things had apparently gone well for fifteen years , the thinking population had been saying that the good times can never last : Surely enough , they came to an end in the mid 1970's .
20 Other Administration figures had been calling for Bush to boycott the meeting , on the grounds that the US was coming in for excessive criticism .
21 The arrival of each team was heralded by a verse , on which France 's top Christmas cracker poets had been working day and night since at least last week : ‘ For many games past , our hearts have been smitten by the courage of the athletes who come from Great Britain . ’
22 Of course — the other day at the Rose Bowl , when Miss Philimore had been demonstrating her system for dealing with ‘ standing orders ’ .
23 Miss Malabedeely had been kneeling by a chair , praying , and Kate had thought immediately that she 'd been asking God to stop Miss Shaw and Miss Rist being so unpleasant to her .
24 For months and months people had been telling nomes what to do .
25 All the tension Gascoigne had been suffering was suddenly released , and he celebrated by sprinting to the sidelines .
26 Our club members had been knitting cushions for charity and at the beginning of question time Georgie asked if she could tell the story of her cushion .
27 Till now , Ken Livingstone had been putting up a good show , joking about John Smith serving as his deputy and arguing for defence cuts to pay for benefits rather than tax increases .
28 I happened to see Sir John Woods [ Permanent Secretary to the Board of Trade ] tonight and he told me that Sir Stafford Cripps had been reading the minutes of Cabinet committees during his absence [ in India , where he had been for nearly four months trying to reach a settlement which would lead to independence ] and had been depressed by the amount of time and energy taken up in the Ministerial Committees with the discussion of quite minor matters which individual Ministers ought to settle in their discretion .
29 ‘ In the concreted yard at the back of the flats at Water Eaton Road stood a light-weight , rubber-wheeled , aluminium wheelbarrow which one of the maintenance men had been using earlier that day .
30 Bewilderedly she struggled to remember the words Guy had been muttering , but they had been lost in the half-sleeping state which had dulled her mind , and , later , barely heard over the unfamiliar demands of newly awakened desire .
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