Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [art] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 In the struggle with Richard Bennett the officers ' helmets were knocked off and stolen by people in a crowd that gathered to watch .
2 The ones selected for each disc present the artists ' finest performances and these are only transferred from high quality original pressings .
3 To call the sans-papiers ' unofficial job centre the Slaves ' Market is no exaggeration .
4 Mr used to open up his dragons and start his steam engine and driving the organ , and he used to give an organ recital every wakes ' Sunday night for the cot fund .
5 In the United Kingdom the Homeowners ' account continued to show substantial improvement with a reduced level of subsidence claims .
6 Don Jacobs the dockers ' leader spoke of his fears to Carrie one quiet afternoon in the back room of the cafe after his meeting was over .
7 And with military police on hand to keep out the hordes of autograph hunters that will dog the tourists ' every footstep over the next 10 weeks , there were no interruptions .
8 In a declining property market the Inns ' rent rolls may also fall , at a time when the demands on their resources — especially in the area of legal education — are rising rapidly .
10 Without turn-out , tutus and pointe shoes the dancers ' bodies still have the same physical apparatus as before and if bodies are to dance at all they must submit to some form of discipline .
11 Betty Syrett the Teachers ' Representative on the Executive Committee has the following area representatives through whom comments , complaints , requests etc relating to teaching , training and Medau interests in general can channelled .
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