Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 4 patients had complete abolition of the bone component of the hypercalcaemia by day 5 and 1 had more than a 50% reduction on day 3 .
2 In times of financial stringency and the adoption of Value for Money strategies in government those with financial expertise may acquire power .
3 An NVQ co-ordinator , Gill Murdoch , was appointed in May to carry forward the challenging work of developing assessment strategies for level 4 qualifications and informing and helping potential centresand candidates in implementing the new qualification system .
4 ‘ Did you see that Alan Ayckbourn play on television last night ?
5 From anarchist opponents of authority such as William Godwin and Robert Paul Wolff through moderate supporters such as John Rawls and Joseph Raz and on to enthusiasts such as Hobbes , Hannah Arendt and Michael Oakeshott , a considerable chorus of students have echoed the refrain that the directives … of authority are to be obeyed by B irrespective of B 's judgments of their merits ’ .
6 A conservative estimate is that , in the absence of natural selection , DNA replicates so accurately that it takes five million replication generations to miscopy I per cent of the characters .
7 He said it missed her head by inches , while they watched election coverage on television last night .
8 We drive past a large , sprawling , gracious red brick building with primrose yellow paintwork on the doors and windows .
9 documentation necessary for submission of the first outline course proposals under Batch 1 of the new , operational system ;
10 The volume and pH of each gastric juice collection was recorded and its hydrogen ion concentration measured by titration with 0.1 N NaOH to pH 7 using an autotritrator ( Radiometer ETS 822 ) .
11 Although he 's co-presenting BBC 's TV Hell ( a dazzlingly obvious three-and-a-half hour antidote to Channel 4 's TV Heaven whereby kitsch rubbish is dredged from the archives ) , Paul Merton does not watch much television .
12 Though Broome has created a niche of his own , disposable incomes remain tight and his claims that his hotel will have 100pc occupancy from day one are questionable .
13 Education funding for ethnic minorities : a case study of Section Eleven
14 As the case study of Channel Four ( see below ) amply demonstrates , concerned groups and individuals attempted to keep these services out of the competitive struggle between the two giants of broadcasting in the hope that they would be better able to serve previously excluded minority groups in society .
15 By defining the object of policy in spatial terms the contradictory interests represented may be understandably subsumed in a real or imagined community identity which stems from or reproduces the notion of shared interests ( see Sue Buckingham-Hatfield 's case study in Chapter 4 ) .
16 The case study in Chapter 2 illustrates this .
17 For instance , a request for a male in operations department who can speak Italian can be tested by comparing each of the bit-pattern index entries in Table 8.3 against a mask of : The Boolean condition will be an AND , which will only return a true indication if all these bits are on .
18 The report follows hot on the heels of the move by financier George Soros , the man who is said to have made £1 billion speculating on the collapse of sterling on Black Wednesday , who last month tied up a £500m investment with property giant British Land .
19 Industrial relations in the British Banking Industry from 1975- 1985
20 Opencasting was carried out where a new Supermarket now stands , and the final load of coal is ready to depart for Barrow Hill behind shunter 08509 .
21 Macintosh PageMaker supported text export from Version 2.0 but this has now been added to the PC version for 3.0 ( although this feature crashes our engineering version ) .
22 Award winners in category one employers included ACE/Chemical-Resist Plastics from Dewsbury ; Allen & Hanburys , London ; BP Chemicals , Grangemouth ; Cardiff Laboratories , Amersham International ; and ICI Pharmaceuticals , Macclesfield .
23 The double-check valve on offer this month is from CK Tools : it has swivel action , and is made from rust-proof solid brass .
24 This is exactly the prediction which is made by Locksley et al. , ‘ the response criterion for schema related items may be more biased in the direction of OLD decisions ( or , alternatively less biased in the direction of NEW decisions ) than the response criterion for schema-unrelated items ’ ( 1984 , p.425 ) .
25 Then while watching an election programme on TV that evening I heard Mrs Angela Rumbold saying how badly-behaved the Labour Party was in that their loutish supporters ( my words ) had tried to shout down John Major .
26 If it is not due to diagnostic suspicion bias then postulated mechanisms might include changes in gall bladder contractility associated with the progesterone content , or increased cholesterol saturation of bile due to the oestrogen content .
27 A similar computer search for oligo III showed a 90% identity in a 12 bp overlap with the U1 snRNA promoter ( 29 ) .
28 I know we 've done it but there are various objects pictures on page fifty .
29 Before you read any more about float fishing for bream from a punt I would advise you to read the chapter on punt fishing on page 21 .
30 When articulated as a teaching programme for English one of the most interesting features of this urge to develop a " common touch " , or an affective bond between teachers and taught , is the centrality to be accorded to popular tastes , however " crude and unformed " they might be considered to be .
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