Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] still [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Parts of the Norman building may still be seen today .
2 However we do not wish anyone to feel that this is too great a financial burden for them , so if you prefer payment may still be split between September and January .
3 Relations between the Prime Minister and Nigel Lawson may still be strained ( she blames him for the present difficulties ) .
4 As recently as 1922 Dr Joan Evans noted that ‘ Amber necklaces may still be sold in the chemists ’ shops of Mayfair as a cure for croup , asthma and whooping cough . ’
5 One looks firstly to see whether irrelevant considerations have been taken into account ; if they have not the decision may still be struck down if it is unreasonable in the substantive sense .
6 In practice , discriminatory rules may still be encountered in the member states and it is sometimes necessary to invoke EC rules in the appropriate national court in order to secure equal access to the relevant market .
7 A number of District Courts took the position on that issue that first resort should still be had to the Convention .
8 If the initiating member or his client has decided that the exclusive sell situation will be of interest only to certain countries , then the Investment Overview text should still be distributed to all Network members but the covering memorandum should clearly identify those Network members to whom the material is being sent for information purposes only .
9 Nevertheless , the ability of a British prime minister to decide the timing of a general election must still be considered a significant political advantage over opponents .
10 Nearer our own time , millstones were fashioned from the gritstone rocks of the upper slopes for the many water-powered mills in the district , and debris of this industry may still be found by diligent search near Sand Tarn .
11 In this sense the term may still be used in debates about the care of those who are mentally ill or handicapped .
12 Although a common seal may still be used to execute a document , a document signed by a director and the secretary , or by two directors , and expressed ( in whatever form of words ) to be executed by the company will have the same effect as if executed under the common seal of the company .
13 Secondly , even if the applicant has not sought the alternative remedy , judicial review may still be allowed if the applicant alleges malice on the part of the decision-maker ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's interest in the action is of such importance that it deserves judicial protection : an example would be personal liberty .
14 Later it was even specified that should there be for any reason no foreskin to sever , blood must still be made to flow for a rite to be effected and for the individual to enter the covenant .
15 By zig-zagging up the slope the strain can be lessened , but the foot that is front pointing must still be placed at right angles to the slope ( Fig 7 ) .
16 In particular , the technical panels set up to consider workplans for the administrative networks component of telematics are currently in suspension , but the Commission has urged that replies to the questionnaires should still be sent in since these will be worked on and evaluated in the meantime .
17 Now my submission is not intended to be representation that the new settlement should be in the greenbelt and great weight must still be given to it 's protection .
18 Director of Social Services in Oxfordshire , Ian White , says most of the recommendations can be implemented with little cost , but expensive re-building must still be addressed .
19 The dead would have to bury the dead but the unhappy living might still be helped by goodwill .
20 ( Even if the activities do present curbs on the rights of the general public to go about their business , street action might still be justified where , for example , it brings to public consciousness some injustice that would not otherwise receive a public hearing . )
21 Devotees of the Hitchcock film will be gratified to hear that Buchan 's book is even more chock-full of incident , cross-country chases , gung-ho and derring-do : a stirring monument to the days when a man of action might still be possessed of a stiff-upper-lipped charm and accomplishment .
22 THE ANNIVERSARY of a Darlington landmark might still be celebrated despite fears it would go unnoticed .
23 Non-words and regular words could still be read aloud accurately ( because the non-lexical procedure can handle both these types of stimuli correctly ) ; but exception words would suffer .
24 THE 150TH anniversary of a Darlington landmark could still be celebrated , despite fears it would go unnoticed .
25 Although the serum antigliadin antibody-IgA value was more closely related to the study phase , a negative result could still be found in coeliac disease patients challenged with 500 mg/day of gliadin , a dose corresponding to a ‘ visible ’ amount of daily gluten containing food ( approximately 12.5 g of wheat flour ) .
26 To comfort her desolation and guilt Rachel had told her about the Mongolian desert , where she had been as a little girl , hardly older than Maggie was now , to look for dragons , which she called dinosaurs , and where years later Russian palaeontologists had found the great fossil eggs in which the sleeping baby dinosaurs could still be seen .
27 It appeared that the extraction could still be used and would be bought at the same price for compounding into cattle food , but not for compounding into poultry food .
28 Sounds of fighting could still be heard from the far side of the bailey , but it was easily apparent that de Raimes ' men were outnumbered and outclassed .
29 Although it sought to make schools accessible , it also held that attendance at them should be voluntary , that pupils should pay for the instruction they received , that public education should be developed gradually rather than immediately , and that , although schools would still be run by different agencies , societies and private individuals , they should teach the same things and be managed identically .
30 Although the domain-specific dictionary outperforms the general dictionary on average , there are good reasons why the general dictionary would still be preferred in the majority of situations .
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