Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] have be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Their views may have been coloured by the fact that they found evidence of significant misreporting of publication data in some areas , to the extent that they suggest automatically lowering research ratings as a penalty for discovered deliberate misreporting .
2 Their views may have been coloured by the fact that they found evidence of significant misreporting of publication data in some areas , to the extent that they suggest automatically lowering research ratings as a penalty for discovered deliberate misreporting .
3 Decorated metalwork and pottery can , in addition , be studied by the measurement of elements in designs to determine which objects may have been made at the same source , using the same tools , or even by the same craftsman .
4 Thomas Arnold , although the significance and peculiarity of his personal achievement at Rugby may have been exaggerated , typified the attempt to meet the demands of a rising middle class by moving the local grammar schools into the national , or ‘ public ’ , category .
5 A spokesman said : ‘ The damage may have been caused by the surf dragging them over the rocks .
6 The rise may have been achieved by shops slashing their prices to attract customers , said Nigel Whittaker , chairman of the CBI 's distributive trades panel .
7 Korda may have been touted as a gifted player , but he was hardly a household name .
8 The plaintiff 's remuneration may have been based partly or even wholly on commission on orders obtained , or in the case of more senior employees upon the turnover of the business or some part of the business .
9 Therefore , the empirical evidence suggesting that reliable signals of each actor 's state are not seen in the course of animal conflicts may have been misinterpreted .
10 Oldham 's task at Gateshead may have been eased by the Tynesiders ' dismissal earlier this week of their American guard , Darryl Thomas .
11 Investigators say it 's possible the money may have been taken to Iraq or Turkey to buy refugee supplies on the spot .
12 By that time the money may have been dissipated .
13 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
14 He must have been well placed to advance from the re-establishment of his supremacy over the Picts in 672 to the imposition of it also on the Scots , and an opportunity may have been provided when Domangart was slain in 673 and his nephew , Máeldúin , son of Conall Crandomna , became king .
15 By May 1982 another thousand adverse reactions may have been reported .
16 And Harold Furth , Director of the Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory made similar remarks : ‘ Whatever the reality and utility of ‘ test-tube fusion energy ’ , some progress may have been made … in focusing the world 's attention on the potential value of a realistic long-term strategy for the achievement of the fusion energy goal . ’
17 But my judgement may have been clouded
18 In some cases the overlay will not be completely accurate as the different maps may have been produced at different times by different teams of surveyors .
19 Near the end of the period gold coin may have been used in commercial transactions , but the dwindling supply of gold in western Europe caused a switch to silver as the principal precious metal .
20 Thus , we can not rule out the possibility that the increased risk of coronary heart disease among young men with no teeth may have been related to previous dental decay .
21 Even the first printed edition of a text may have been altered by an editor , printer or typesetter .
22 Parliament may have been intending to legislate in such all-embracing terms .
23 Differential compaction of the peat and silt may have been involved as well .
24 Given a tree not in the base , determining which sequence of transformations may have been applied to generate this tree .
25 Alternatively , the change may have been made by Wulfstan himself , in much the same way that in his different records of the Enham meeting he omitted from VI Æthelred death penalties contained in V Æthelred .
26 The Act recognizes the possibility that back-up copies may have been made .
27 So the stick may have been used both audibly to establish speed , and visibly during the course of a piece .
28 To what natural laws or secondary causes the orderly succession and progression of such organic phenomena may have been committed we are as yet ignorant .
29 What is even worse , however , is that as the two fonts may have been prepared from different masters there could be subtle variations between them — even though they are notionally the same typeface .
30 For example , a retailer may have been refused access to a selective distribution network on grounds which his lawyers advise the retailer are inadequate .
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