Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [be] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 And I ca n't help thinking that we might end up with a sort of repeat of the sort of situation that 's occurred at Octavius Atkinson site which is erm mentioned in the erm the paper tabled this morning , whereby er a sort of market-led approach which puts a lot of pressure on the local authorities may be at the expense of the planning-led approach to erm deciding where development should most appropriately go .
2 Apart from the inpatient waiting list initiative no extra resources were released for meeting the Charter standards , but meeting the standard for outpatient clinics may be at the expense of seeing fewer patients and a lengthening list for a first appointment .
3 The report emphasises that the parish ministry should be at the heart of the Church of Scotland in remote rural areas as elsewhere but it also expresses concern that this is dependent on adequate financial resources .
4 The very limited space between vertical fuel surfaces , little over one metre , severely limits the trajectory of the fire fighting jets and the majority of stock may be at a height beyond their effective throw .
5 If the symbols for mem and gimmel have become differentiated for Hebrew readers during the course of their previous experience with this alphabet , these subjects should be at an advantage on both test tasks — an enhanced ability to discriminate between the two Hebrew symbols should be helpful in both cases .
6 DEF must be at the beginning of the line .
7 Any extra given to one spending department must be at the expense of another spending department .
8 Inputs and outputs should be at the same level of abstraction ; in other words conversion of an abstract notion ( such as customers needs ) to a tangible form ( such as the specific goods or services that are supplied ) is not supportable in a root definition .
9 The findings from this study , taken together with those of Gardner et al , suggest that the children of certain men who are monitored for exposure to external ionising radiation in the nuclear industry might be at an increased risk of leukaemia .
10 They yearned for a society where the surplus product of labour would be at the disposal not of idle capitalists or degenerate gentry but of expert administrators .
11 Rebecca would be at the rehearsal of course .
12 In response to a further telephone call from the police station at 1.17 a.m. the ambulance services said that an ambulance would be at the scene in five to seven minutes .
13 The job losses would be at the Hereford County Hospital , mainly among nurses and ancillary workers .
14 I think the steps will be at the for'ard end of the saloon under the bridge . ’
15 But Thorfinn will be at a crossroads he can not leave without help . ’
16 Just a quick reminder ; tomorrow 's night 's programme will be at the earlier time of 6 p.m .
17 Most of the redundancies at Express Lifts will be at the company 's headquarters in Northampton , where it employs eight hundred people .
18 Edward will be at the head of a great army , thousands of men .
19 This apparently simple concept of cause and effect will be at the root of much of our early work on narrative in drama .
20 The game could be a bit quicker with more chances for catching opponents by surprise and I have no doubt that David Johnson ( Watsonians , Glasgow and Scotland ‘ A ’ coach ) will be studying the possibilities so that hopefully Watsonians will be at the fore in adapting their style .
21 A MEMBER of St John Ambulance will be at a special ceremony later this month .
22 The only proposed narrowing of the road in Lakeside will be at the junction to Hammond Drive , the purpose of which will be to filter the traffic using the junction .
23 The key will be at the information desk .
24 From 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. on Wednesday , Thursday and Friday ( April 22nd to 24th ) , coaches from the club will be at the Military Stadium to instruct girls and boys aged nine to 16 in all track and field events .
25 Even the rare successful defence might be at a price .
26 The Balance of Power in the Court : Parents may be at a disadvantage in court because of their lack of familiarity with court proceedings , and their past experiences in court may prove inhibiting .
27 They are certainly very useful for an engineer because they relate practical requirements ( e.g. how large the voltage should be at the secondary ) to design parameters ( what the turns ratio should be ) .
28 Colleagues , union de-recognition strikes at the very heart of the trade union movement , and in preparing to face this challenge , the G M B must be at the forefront of the fight .
29 Using a rather perplexing argument , Japan 's deputy finance minister complained with only a slight tinge of panic yesterday that the Nikkei should be at the 24,000 level .
30 We must start to fight back now and the G M B should be at the for forefront .
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