Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [vb infin] off [art] " in BNC.

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1 This year the winner should carry off a cheque for … £3000 .
2 He saw himself as the only point of free will in the landscape before him , and if he could move his body with a purpose , then his mind would shake off the slough of misery and clear for action .
3 I feel that the minimum of £20 would put off a number of potential annual members , since I guess that many such persons contribute to a number of worthy causes , £10 would be reasonable , plus the £5 for the magazine …
4 Now a suggested code of practice will kill off the old law .
5 For a while , after the polls closed , it looked as if Mr Reynolds might pull off a stunning upset .
6 The taxicab had gone before Tunney could pay off the driver .
7 They reach a point where even the smallest stimulus will trigger off a massive reaction .
8 Now his executors hope that the money raised by the Constable will pay off the last of his debts and enable his wife , Austrian Countess Lucy Czernin and their two children , Edward , 11 , and Charlotte , 15 , to continue living at the house .
9 Anyone making a noise could set off the bomb , therefore , if the judge catches anyone talking or making a noise , that person is out .
10 The crystallisation of an earlier floating charge does not crystallise a subsequent floating charge since the subsequent chargee may pay off the earlier charge or agree to indemnify the company which continues to carry on business despite the crystallisation of the earlier charge with respect to any liability incurred towards the earlier chargee .
11 MORE than anything else , this week 's Labour Party conference should kill off a ritual that has been acted out over the years in a hundred radio and television studios .
12 ‘ Of course not , your greymass could shrug off a concentrated squirt of pure smacksynth . ’
13 A firm or college can change its culture quite markedly if the chief executive of either is replaced , and new priorities or new perspectives could kill off a partnership very rapidly .
14 Closing a file will sound off a threatening ‘ I 'll be back ’ sound bite , whilst erasing a file will play the sound of a rubber rubbing against a sheet of paper .
15 It is too soon to know if the initiative will touch off an Italian-style mop-up of Brazil 's mob .
16 These areas of flexibility need to be defined very carefully and the possible options spelled out as far as possible , for in a tightly knit plan a sudden deviation at one point can set off a chain reaction of confusion throughout the plan .
17 Once it has been killed , the kitten may trigger off a new reaction .
18 Humiliating and unrealistic conditions should set off an alarm in the coalition 's collective head : they carry echoes from 1919 of Versailles , the treaty that ended ‘ the war to end all wars ’ and brought Europe , and the world , a new era of instability .
19 Even brief air disturbance will set off the alarm .
20 One rabbit can finish off a few hundred young trees in no time . "
21 For Geoffroy , a change in the environment might trigger off a new pattern of growth in the organism — but the result was determined more by the laws of growth than by the adaptive needs of the organism .
22 The government , claiming that granting the pilots ' wage demand would set off a wage explosion and damage the economy , expressed its support for the airlines and took unprecedented steps to break the strike .
23 Really , the Earth is flat because people would fall off a round Earth .
24 She was told that , unless insemination occurred at exactly the right time each month , her acid levels would kill off the donor sperm .
25 If the treatment sessions take place in a large gymnasium , for instance , the physiotherapist will screen off a section of the space for greater privacy , and so that the patient is not distracted by seeing what is going on around him .
26 Industry folks are also sceptical Pinnacle can pull off an LSI Logic Corp-based Sparc 10 clone as quickly as claimed .
27 Colour and foliage can set off the most ordinary-looking house ‘ whereas a poorly kept garden with no trees or shrubs seems to place a dead hand on the house itself .
28 Very often , finding an unusual frame can spark off an idea for an equally unusual picture , and I can not stress too highly the need for a beautifully made frame to give a professional finish to your work , as a cheap or shoddy frame does absolutely nothing to enhance the picture whatsoever .
29 However , it is clear that an imaginative treatment of this form of interior could show off the texture and complexity of the original timber structure to dramatic effect .
30 A genuinely free air-travel market in America and Europe would spark off a wave of restructuring among European airlines .
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