Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even in linguistics , the recent rise of pragmatics as opposed to syntax and semantics as the basis for understanding the nature of meaning ( e.g. Sperber and Wilson 1985 ) should suggest that , while the contextual world of objects may be the last and most overlooked component of the mechanisms of social interaction , it may very well prove , when finally excavated from its embedded relationship to the unconscious , to be the most significant factor of all .
2 And the Scottish Highlands may be the only remaining region in the UK where we could find it .
3 The afternoon may be the best time , as the patients are resting and having visitors .
4 Seen this way , the collapse of Christendom is a blessing for Christianity , and the present crisis of faith may be the best opportunity in centuries , at least for Christians in the West .
5 Securing Buick 's position as the marque of self-assurance may be the toughest job of all .
6 Theory suggests that an exchange rate change may be the appropriate response to a country specific shock .
7 On the driest uplands of Antarctica and in oases , encrusting grey and orange lichens Buellia frigida , Alectoria miniuscula , Biatorella antarctica , Umbilicaria decussata and species of Caloplaca , Xanthoria , Usnea and Candelaria may be the only visible signs of life .
8 The 1979 Conservative election manifesto claimed : ‘ The balance of our society has been increasingly tilted in favour of the state at the expense of individual freedom … this election may be the last chance we have to reverse that process . ’
9 Antigone may be the first of all political plays and is surely the greatest .
10 The supporters of the hunt believe today 's decision may be the thin end of the wedge
11 So measures of document exposure may be the only direct measures of the benefits of book use which are relatively easy to collect and to compute .
12 He must be able to decide rightly whether a native chiefs first offence should be punished , or whether patience should be exercised until he has offended ten , nay twenty times — either course may be the right one , it depends entirely on circumstances .
13 A return to the formal table manners of Victorian times may be the best way to stop us all eating in a hurry .
14 This verdict may be the last attempt of this generation to keep intact the myth of a unanimously resisting France , for it is now under review by the Court of Cassation .
15 One sofa measuring eight by four foot must be the largest country house sofa in captivity .
16 On the one hand , in a certain sense , all the elements which comprise X condition the tribunal 's power to decide upon Y. The statute says , explicitly or implicitly , if X you may or shall do Y. On the other hand , to accept that the reviewing courts should be the ultimate arbiters of the meaning of all the elements comprising the X factor would cause review to become very like appeal .
17 The police and the courts should be the last resort for handling football indiscipline and we are reaching the stage where they are becoming the first .
18 The words in section 2(1) ‘ transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer ’ have been interpreted by the courts to require that the transfer of ownership to the buyer should be the main object of the agreement .
19 On the account of their relative performance against Rovigo , another leading Italian club , the Milanese must be the front runners .
20 Work in progress must be the genuine transfer of the vendor 's work in progress to the purchaser .
21 Nuclear equations Nuclear equations must balance , the total mass must be the same on the left and right hand sides .
22 Ideally this should be the same on all Guide installations , just as , for example , ideally the library of built-in functions for C compilers should be the same on every C installation .
23 The controversy that followed the publication of the Maastricht Treaty highlighted significant differences between and within member states over the extent to which the process of integration should proceed , and over whether the proposed union rather than individual member states should be the principal location for decision-making in the future .
24 British Telecom and the water authorities should be the first to be so referred .
25 Parliament must be the primary place where the conflicting claims and interests of society can be articulated and resolved .
26 The third implication , that the rocks furthest from the ridge should be the oldest , was less easy to test .
27 Pally must be the best central defender in the country .
28 He will recall that , when British Rail proposed that Waterloo should be the first channel tunnel station , not only did it say that one station was sufficient and that it did not need a second one but , in the case which it put to the House of Lords during the discussions , it said specifically that King 's Cross was not an appropriate location for a second station .
29 Fourthly , extra-contractual referrals are clearly at the discretion of the health authority concerned , but surely clinical decision must be the main criterion .
30 All bathroom light switches should be the ceiling-mounted , pullcord kind — as should double-pole switches fitted to control an electric shower or a shower pump .
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