Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [be] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Recession may be burying the major continental economies , with the likelihood that things will get much worse before they start to get better , but the European personal computer market continued to prosper in the first quarter , the Wall Street Journal reports .
2 That line of analysis tends to indicate that when one is interpreting s740(3) and the meaning of the expression " relevant income " ( meaning " income which can directly or indirectly be used for providing a benefit for an individual or for enabling a benefit to be provided for him " ) the taxpayer may be having the benefit of a slightly generous interpretation if the Revenue permit , in any year in which income arises , the amount of the relevant income in that year to be reduced by the amount of expenditure incurred in that year .
3 Many chemical treatments are effective in killing active fungi in wood but , in an old and complicated structure , the practical difficulty may be to reach the diseased parts without pulling the whole structure expensively to bits .
4 This is just one more sign that the courts may be balancing the scales of justice a little more fairly than has been the case over the past decade or so .
5 This reasoning seems slightly artificial where the essence of what is alleged is fighting , and the better course may be to charge the person fighting with assault , or affray , or both .
6 The effect of such a provision may be to replace the normal absolute obligation to deliver on the agreed date with an obligation to use best endeavours .
7 At present , only shareholders may be offered the choice .
8 ‘ THE shareholders must be hoping the bank has n't gone as far as to give him a company credit card ’ — Labour leader John Smith , on ex-Chancellor Norman Lamont 's new employer , Rothschilds Bank .
9 Labour 's reaction to that is that local authority inspection should be made the universal norm , with local authorities inspecting the schools which only they are allowed to run .
10 The veteran Eire international is careful not to be drawn into a new slanging match with Ferguson — but one of those reasons must be to show the United manager that he is not a crippled has-been , better equipped propping up a bar than shoring up a defence at football 's highest level .
11 Taking both these factors into account , I conclude that a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence should be given the opportunity to make representations in writing to the Secretary of State about the length of his tariff period before it is set .
12 A report , launched last week by inquiry chairman Anthony Scrivener QC , says local authorities should be given the cash to provide more bail support schemes .
13 The report recommended that local authorities should be given the leading role in planning and co-ordinating community care .
14 Some MPs are suggesting that local authorities should be given the power to compel farmers to protect hedges .
15 Konrad Adenauer had already suggested that West Germany should be allowed the means to defend itself , and that the surest way of winning the population over to a massive commitment to democracy was to give it a stake in the responsibility of defending Western Europe .
16 The water level and backfill level should be kept the same to give maximum support to the pool .
17 The trick must be to allow the Soviet Union 's ideological humiliation not to be turned into a strategic one .
18 For where it has been drawn is everywhere ; from the insistence of Thorndike , and the early behaviourists like Watson and Hull , that all is to be explained , including human behaviour , in terms of conditioned reflexes , to the open-handedness of well-meaning liberationists like Rollin who argue that even worms and sea anemones should be given the benefit of the doubt since we can not be certain that they do not feel pain and therefore have a consciousness ( 1981 : 31 ) .
19 In the context of this paper it is suggested that the following principles are added : dementia sufferers should be maintained in their own homes for as long as possible dementia sufferers should be maintained in their own community for as long as possible the number of moves should be kept to a minimum the independence , dignity and privacy of the sufferer must be respected the dementia sufferers must be involved as far as possible in discussions and decisions regarding their care and any possible move carers or potential carers should be involved in the decision-making process .
20 These engagements and meal times should be considered the fixed points in each day .
21 The aim at all times should be to have the most accurate estimate of the final cost .
22 These include the natural desire for autonomy by the director who sees his institution as serving national and , indeed , international needs and the equally natural desire of the local council to retain control of what it has always historically regarded as its own institution whose main function should be to meet the needs of the region .
23 It is feared that the walrus may be replacing the elephant as a source of black market ivory , since the trade in elephant tusks comes under tighter international control .
24 Chemical companies in West Germany claim that the Eastern Bloc may be tapping the communications networks of government agencies and stealing their commercial secrets .
25 These schools may be spared the risks of improper use , but schools can not tailor programmes of study to children throughout the range of ability if ability can not be assessed .
26 Constructors may , if they wish , use an ‘ ultra bright ’ type of l.e.d , but beware ; these devices achieve high illumination by narrowing down their angle-of-view , so the overall result may be to make the l.e.d. less conspicuous .
27 Outgoing president Paul Scherer suggests that potential candidates may be exaggerating the pressures on the president : there are in fact no more than six Council meetings a year , and an additional monthly afternoon meeting for officers .
28 Their future may be to show the worst urban decay and deviance in a depressed and divided society ; at best , they will remain well behind the South and much of Europe in sharing the gains of an advanced material culture .
29 A second type of critic may be called the progressive .
30 Insofar as defining a term as a warranty prevents the innocent party terminating the contract in the event of breach , its effect may be to limit the choice of remedies available to the innocent party in the event of breach .
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