Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A user may after a while remember that " Surgery " is represented by L:4:7 and he may remember that " The stomach " is represented by the symbol L24 .
2 In the case of information relating to er say client A which is obtained by the auditor while auditing client B , the auditor ought as a matter of sound practice normally to use the information to make further enquiries for the purpose of the audit of A. These interpretations have been set out more fully in the statement of auditing standards and the professional guidance issued by the auditing practices board that will accompany this legislation and as matters of courtesy to the house er Madam Deputy Speaker , I ask that a copy of that be placed in the library .
3 With the present pace of things these survivors may in a generation 's time become a picturesque memory like the yeoman 's smock .
4 In addition there is specific provision in section 6(3) , which provides that the defendant must as a minimum be aware that his conduct is or might be threatening , abusive or insulting .
5 Like the meeting in London just after the death of Edmund Ironside , it hints at a realisation on Cnut 's part that his rule would to a degree depend on English support .
6 Today his advice might be : ‘ A man with a gun and word processor can make more money in a month than his lawyer can in a lifetime . ’
7 I found an old coat thrown across a garbage can in a back alley .
8 Re-definition on such lines could without a statute be effected by the House of Lords , which alone has sufficient authority to attempt the task , and would not involve much disturbance of decided cases ; there are certainly many obiter dicta at all levels to be sacrificed , but that would be a most desirable result .
9 But what we have to bear in mind of course er the f financial propriety of this council would in a sense have been very easy over the years if the labour party previously had trimmed its budget according to what we could all afford .
10 An offer is a reverse takeover for these purposes where the offeror might as a result need to increase the existing voting equity share capital by more than 100 per cent .
11 I think that a chief , or perhaps a leading group would after a while be decided on and priorities set in a way more mature than the boys , but girls would be less imaginative when it came to building shelters and lighting fires , and also less physically able to lift heavy objects and build things .
12 There is a belief that mild mental handicap may in a sense be inherited in a way that most severe mental handicaps are not , although public understanding would be to the contrary .
13 On May 31 the EPLF vice-chairman Tamirat Laynie told relief officials at a meeting in Addis Ababa that priority would be given to relief operations : the port of Assab had been reopened by agreement with the EPLF and all relief agencies should within a week submit details of their future projects , he said .
14 ( The most important of these is of course that that person should as a result of the testator 's intention have received a benefit under his will . )
15 You 're alright at maths , so it looks as if maths might as a scientist possibly might be
16 Detectives think the haul could from a burglary which went wrong .
17 By running a £5 million overdraft , the court could in a way be construed as borrowing money to invest in works of art .
18 I piled everything i could on a sheet in the middle of the floor and tied up the corners …
19 The Gospels , indeed the whole of the Bible , are sketchy documents , which no responsible scholar would for a moment consider absolutely reliable as historical testimony .
20 This will create a truly remarkable situation , a police force of two thousand two hundred officers will at a stroke have their powers removed .
21 Each authority should within a year produce a development plan showing how these changes would be achieved — some laggards took until 1951 .
22 ( d ) Restraint covenants Whenever it is intended to open up a new office the partners must as a matter of urgency consider the adequacy of the restraint covenants to which they have agreed to submit themselves and which they have imposed on their key employees .
23 At times Levitation attempt to musically shock but it rarely works , ‘ Squirrel ’ has a weird keyboard break which fits in as much as George Bush would at a peace benefit punk gig , but at least they try to bemuse .
24 As this is an item which people would to a household refuse , waste site already , the problem of generating does not apply to this waste either .
25 Nevertheless it does believe it is appropriate that the strategic thrust of the policy should be based on the premise that development proposals likely to be consid considered acceptable in the open countryside will in a sense represent the exception rather than the rule .
26 This philosophy produced strong and excellent aeroplanes so long as one was quite sure which members were in tension and which in compression , for , though a strut could at a pinch take tension , a wire could not take compression .
27 ( 4 ) If subsection ( 1 ) above is contravened , the sheriff may on a complaint at the instance of the licensing board , by order declare the licence which is in force for the premises in respect of which the contravention took place to be forfeited , or may direct that , within a time fixed by the order , the premises shall be restored to their original condition .
28 But their minds must for a moment have flowed together , for Freeborn said :
29 The total cost may as a consequence increase .
30 Yet however suspect may be the capacity of electors in general to vote responsibly and intelligently their right to make political choices must in a democracy be respected .
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