Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [verb] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 From these answers we can see that a horse 's temperament may touch on all these statements , or their opposites , and that the horse 's temperament is demonstrated by its general or most consistent mood and natural disposition .
2 Abnormalities of gastrointestinal motility may occur in all forms of amyloidosis and intestinal pseudo-obstruction has been reported in secondary or primary amyloidosis , including amyloidosis associated with multiple myeloma .
3 The National Curriculum is certainly not a complete curriculum , it stated : the whole curriculum must include for all pupils ( and in some cases at all stages ) areas of learning which , though not separately identified , are nonetheless ‘ clearly required ’ .
4 Such proposals should apply to all applicants and employees , regardless of disability .
5 They were also concerned that their Equal Opportunities policies should apply to all funded groups , and their awareness of the multi-faceted discrimination experienced by black lesbians and gays led them to fund the Black Lesbian and Gay Centre Project .
6 The US government has long argued forcefully that GATT free trade rules should apply to all services ; and in 1985 , after three years of negotiation , the US position was incorporated nearly intact into OECD 's Declaration on Transborder Data Flows .
7 1 A class of words may consist of all the words that may occupy a certain element in a structure , eg prepositions : such classes are positional classes .
8 We propose that these recommendations should form the basis of modifications made to attainment targets and programmes of study in the Order under section 4 of the Act and that , subject to those modifications , the attainment targets and programmes of study should apply to all pupils .
9 If someone from Faraj comes to blows with someone from Fadhil , all the members of the groups descended from Muhammad should unite against all those descended from Mahmud .
10 My thanks must go to all staff , particularly the service and administration teams without whom the business would not run .
11 Since we can not simply assume that the results from one bilingual setting must apply to all others too , we shall study two widely differing groups of bilingual children in the UK .
12 Were it not for the tides , it is hard to see how salt marsh could exist at all .
13 Animals could live on all the worlds and all humans could be happy again .
14 The Association would call upon all local authorities which have instructed their librarians to restrict or prevent access to materials , either on grounds of personal prejudice or a desire to ‘ protect ’ public morality , to reconsider the principle on which the public service is provided , and to recognize the necessary discretion that their professional staff should be allowed in providing a comprehensive service for users .
15 but how I structure my department would depend in all honesty on the type of people we get knows this .
16 On the day the treaty was signed the Heads of Government of Egypt and Israel sent a joint letter to the President of the United States confirming their understanding that the United States would participate in all stages of the negotiation .
17 He said that the PLO would call on all Arab states to implement economic sanctions against the USA .
18 The talk would take in all the great political and aesthetic themes : Jean-Paul Sartre would join in , for he would be sitting at the next table : together , artists and intellectuals would conquer life 's essential absurdity ; and from such discussions tomorrow 's painting would be born .
19 Such considerations will apply at all periods , in prehistory as in documented history .
20 My department will deal with all enquiries resulting from the canvas , including those concerning banding .
21 It it 's a group effort as most things are here and er Pat will realize for all the volunteers that come in .
22 Subordinated loan stock will rank behind all unsecured creditors but ahead of preference shareholders and ordinary shareholders .
23 Equal ruthlessness was applied to those who misused the railways and were brought before ‘ the revolutionary tribunal , whose avenging hammer will fall with all its crushing might and wrath ’ .
24 This has important implications for the study of protein-protein interactions because it demonstrates how one protein can bind to all members of a class of highly variable proteins by means of secondary structural interactions and recognition of highly conserved residues .
25 It would be foolish to imagine that GIS can assist in all hazard studies , emergencies and disasters .
26 When a particularly difficult and obscure accident occurs , the aircraft manufacturer may suspect the possibility of the failure of a particular component , and acting in a responsible manner and with the highest possible motives may circulate to all operators of that type of aircraft a design for modifying the component just in case it was the one that failed .
27 Communities may vary in all these respects urban areas producing different responses to rural areas .
28 John Hayes , secretary-general of the Law Society , said the advantages ought to apply to all solicitors and the board should not seek to produce artificial criteria for selection .
29 3.1 The goods and/or the work must conform in all respects with the drawings , specifications and other requirements or descriptions stated .
30 Instructors should read through all the material before using it with students/trainees in order to get a general idea of thinking and direction , and to familiarise themselves with the layout and organisation .
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