Example sentences of "[noun] [be] more than a " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances , the state officialdom was more than a bureaucracy .
2 The fact was that Corbett was more than a bit of an embarrassment .
3 The twinning budget on Grenoble City Council is more than a million pounds .
4 Well in Britain we decided we 'd be on the safe side , we 'll reduce that to a thousand we put another factor of ten in and what 's more i if one sheep in , in a whole flock is more than a thousand units , er then we will condemn the whole flock .
5 But this intervention was more than a defence of English interests in north-eastern France .
6 This was n't a fair challenge , Harry being more than a head taller than Sam and built like an ox .
7 Sophie glanced at Joanna , who shrugged , then at Helen , who was looking anxious , and , although Mr Greenwood 's attitude towards professional etiquette was more than a little arrogant , the last thing she wanted to do was to upset her godmother .
8 And he insisted the new service was more than a temporary offer , declaring : ‘ This is n't a promotion — it is for always . ’
9 The reply of Jesus states clearly that Jesus was more than a prophet .
10 A truth of modern warfare , which was first disclosed in the Russo-Japanese War ( 1904–5 ) , had been underscored though leaders on neither side fully comprehended it as yet ; defensive weaponry was more than a match for charging infantry .
11 On the political left , a popular approach was to adopt the terminology of the long-dead Italian Marxist , Antonio Gramsci , to argue that Thatcherism was more than a governmental system , more even than an ideological banner .
12 The declaration of policy was more than a statement of priorities and objectives , designed to disavow as misdirected Mr Benn 's essay in Industrial Co-operation and to restore credibility to the idea — and , incidentally , to meet Signor Prandini 's dismissive criticism .
13 Hamid was more than a million dollars richer and the second Iranian-born player in three years to be crowned world champion .
14 Sitting in the cinema one evening a woman was more than a little surprised to see a man walk in just before the film began with his pet crocodile at his side .
15 Ace was more than a frontier auxiliary , Defries had realized that on meeting her , but she was no academic , and certainly no civilian .
16 But God was more than a heavenly speaking clock to Richie .
17 Gloom and despondency hung over the royal party and Anne was more than a little resentful of having been required to join them in sanctuary .
18 For the United States , the assimilation of wave after wave of immigrants into an egalitarian society was more than a pious hope .
19 I suspect his own life was more than a match for the movies , although he did like to imitate Hopalong Cassidy .
20 The transcendent importance of this constitution in the subsequent history of Spanish constitutionalism conceals that liberalism was more than a political creed .
21 The argument between Watson and Forbes was more than a mere priority dispute — it reflected a basic disagreement over the purpose of gathering geographical information .
22 The trick with the watches was more than a technical stunt , it actually worked in the context of the piece , sucking the audience even further into the spell .
23 This discovery of Frank 's atheism was more than a perturbation to Michael .
24 Palestrina 's more than a hundred Masses are of all the familiar types : Masses like ‘ Aeterna Christi munera ’ , based on the plainsong Matins hymn , ‘ parodies ’ like ‘ Assumpta est Maria ’ based on his own six-part motet , freely composed ones like the Missa Papae Marcelli and Missa brevis , to mention only a few supremely fine examples .
25 After only 40 doublings the number of cells is more than a trillion .
26 The house was more than a building ; it was an art , a way of life .
27 Surely a Leo was more than a match for a Scorpio , no matter how deadly its sting .
28 Some of these saw Communism as a pretty serious threat to a way of life that included cricket , and for these people Hitler was more than a passing attraction .
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