Example sentences of "[noun] [be] from [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The curious , at times seemingly perverse , ambiguity in which the terms of the contract are from time to time expressed is an added reason why no one who has to wrestle with the problems which abound in this area should fail to arm himself with this book .
2 Partly , this may be due to the fact that outside the tropics atmospheric circulation is from west to east , due to Coriolis forces , the forces which result from the effect of the Earth 's rotation on moving bodies . )
3 The titles of Marjorie Rosen 's Popcorn Venus ( 1973 ) and Molly Haskell 's from Reverence to Rape ( 1974 ) indicate this concern with images ; both books aim at giving a survey of representations of women in Hollywood film .
4 He wrote , in The Dial for December 1922 , the most emphatically welcoming and apparently influential review of The Waste Land , and although this reads a little quaintly now because Wilson took very seriously Eliot 's supposed debt to Jessie L. Weston 's From Ritual to Romance ( which later criticism has taken lightly ) , his piece had the great virtue of conceding valid points to the opposition :
5 142 ( 2 ) The obligation under a condition or of a covenant entered into by a lessor with reference to the subject-matter of the lease shall , if and as far as the lessor has power to bind the reversionary estate immediately expectant on the term granted by the lease , be annexed and incident to and shall go with that reversionary estate , or the several parts thereof , notwithstanding severance of that reversionary estate , and may be taken advantage of and enforced by the person in whom the term is from time to time vested by conveyance , devolution in law , or otherwise ; and , if and as far as the lessor has power to bind the person from time to time entitled to that reversionary estate , the obligation aforesaid may be taken advantage of and enforced against any person so entitled .
6 Such casualties are from time to time inevitable , and argue for a set of partnerships rather than just one .
7 ‘ Exports of imitation Stolichnaya are from time to time made from other regions of the former USSR , ’ he said .
8 The Chancery , i.e. the Chancellor 's office , has a power ( Statute of Westminster II 1285 ) of framing new writs in cansimili casu — i.e. to meet new cases sufficiently like those for which writs already exist — and new writs are from time to time framed .
9 The fundamental shift is from provider to enabler .
10 The recommended way to tackle the Sisters is from south-east to north-west , starting near the site of the Battle of the Bridge of Shiel , a Jacobite defeat in the ill-fated rising of 1719 .
11 As in Jacob 's dream of old the movement is from earth to heaven .
12 In these the water flow is from end to end or from middle to side , respectively , the clear water leaving by weirs or troughs , and the sludge on the bottom being removed by mechanical scraping gear that carries it to a sump from which it can be pumped away .
13 The planned journey is from Gransden to Crowfield , a distance of 48 nautical miles to be completed in a straight line track of 095° in a single seat Jodel D9 Bébé .
14 When the swing is from co-operation to conflict , the modification of one 's ends by reaction from another 's viewpoint will tend towards hate , revenge or cruelty rather than love , gratitude or pity ; by an effort to see from his viewpoint one can resist the tendency , but at the extreme point of escalation one 's ends narrow to the survival of self or kin , and the other and his destruction are reduced to means to it .
15 Some landowners were from time to time able to obtain , by favour or by purchase , a royal grant of the right to hunt the lesser beasts of the forest , such as fox , wild cat and hare , but rarely the deer ; the general prohibition remained .
16 Likewise , Joseph Winkleman 's From Idea to Image ( Bankside Gallery ) gives a fascinating insight into the craft of intaglio printmaking .
17 Although most processing of arithmetic fields is from right to left , the operand is specified by the address of its left-hand byte ; since the instruction specifies the length of each packed decimal operand , the address of the right-hand byte is easily obtained .
18 As in the case of parent-child relationships we find here that one-way flows of support can not only be tolerated , but also in a sense are expected , provided the direction of the support is from grandparent to grandchild .
19 Other wardens were from time to time granted leave by Henry III to postpone their accounts at the Exchequer , and he remitted the debts of others .
20 Presentments for breaches of these purlieu laws were from time to time made at the Essex swanimotes in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries .
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