Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 A few , a tiny few , recognise how unreasonable this attitude is , but the overwhelming majority are for the time being standing firm . ’
2 Maggie 's then boyfriend — and later husband — Beverley Cross , became a close friend of Ken 's at the time , too .
3 They constitute an acknowledgment by the delegates , committee and officers that the Association was for the time being inadequately organised and funded for undertaking major tasks on the national scene .
4 Australia has neither and both countries are in a time zone which does not suit the world television audience .
5 Many are indicated by dedications , but the circular churchyards , oratories , holy wells and inscribed memorial stones and crosses all indicate how widespread such Christian sites were by the time of the Norman Conquest .
6 my concerns is , my concerns were at the time that we , we might not be able to continue with that statement because it might become inaccurate
7 Because of these uncertainties the appropriate time for selecting the multiplier is at the time of death and the number of pre-trial years for which special damages are awarded should then be deducted from the multiplier ( Graham v Dodds [ 1983 ] 1 WLR 808 ) .
8 Incidentally , this choice also justifies the ‘ north-western ’ bias of our cases , for north-west England is at the time of writing still one of the strongholds of the small to medium regional brewery .
9 If his appointor is for the time being absent from the United Kingdom or temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor .
10 If his appointor is for the time being absent from the United Kingdom or temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor .
11 While Brunner 's theology was for a time regarded , especially in Britain and America , as more ‘ moderate ’ than Barth 's , and therefore preferable , he must now be regarded as the less radical and less creative of the two .
12 His first question was about the time she was having , his first statement that the cat — and he — were doing fine .
13 Danish Christianity went back only to his grandfather Harald Bluetooth , and according to Adam of Bremen Christians were for a time persecuted by Swegen Forkbeard .
14 Each reflects something of the period and quality of the music , the period being of the time when written by the composer or when presented as a ballet and the quality being that inspired in the choreographer by the composer .
15 True , what he had felt for Kee was at the time a stronger passion , and so far as charm went they could n't be compared .
16 Mrs Williams was at the time the most popular women in the world , after Mother Teresa , and it occurred to me , rather too late , that I was on to a loser here .
17 Since the infant plaintiff was at the time of the accident en ventre sa mère she was not then a person or a human being in esse and in fact she had no separate existence apart from her mother .
18 He may , where the goods are at the time of the sale in the possession of a third party ( e.g. at a warehouse ) , instruct the third party to hold the goods to the order of the buyer .
19 ‘ I 'm just trying to explain how things were at the time .
20 Vern Zelmer , now managing director of Rank Xerox ( UK ) Ltd , recalls how things were at the time .
21 These firms were at the time of out visit listed over each block of filing cabinets .
22 This only illustrates how very scarce male dancers were at the time . ’
23 They were working in a flat below the old money-lender 's at the time of the murder , but not at the time of the ‘ rehearsal ’ three days earlier .
24 One and a half aeons is about the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth and the first bacteria-like fossils .
25 There was another fellow living at Ralph 's at the time called Kenny Bell , who said , ‘ I 'm sorry , you ca n't come in ’ .
26 This is more likely to occur the further away the spot price is at the time of delivery from the price that was agreed at the time the contract was negotiated ( i.e. the forward price ) .
27 True , revolution was for a time a strong possibility , if not a probability ; and as true , such a revolution would of course have been seen as the means to industrial democracy by those who sought it .
28 A marriage is so voidable if it has not been consummated because of the incapacity of either party , or because of one party 's wilful refusal to consummate it ; if the marriage was entered into without the consent of either party ( e.g. by reason of duress , mistake , or unsound mind ) ; if at the time of the marriage one party was suffering from mental disorder of such a kind as to render him or her unfitted for marriage , or from venereal disease ; or if the wife was at the time of the marriage pregnant by some other person than her husband .
29 At the end of teaching , the long street towards the centre of Cullbridge was for a time a babble of noise , with scuffles , cap-snatching and schoolboy indecencies hurled from green-blazered groups on one side to green-blazered groups on the other .
30 Had these people been in a time machine , or chained in dimly-lit rooms in Beirut ?
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