Example sentences of "[noun] [be] never [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , and to add insult to injury , these off-centre policies are never supported by a clear majority of the electorate .
2 Living in such a cloistered world such operations are never looked at objectively but simply as a means of gaining personal kudos for one small group within an agency .
3 However , attitudes are never changed without causing offence ; hence the anger which often lies behind certain remarks about ‘ aggressive ’ women .
4 Assumptions ( ii ) and ( iii ) may present considerable problems in practise for in reality loads are never applied to the ends of a sample , but to its side-ends , and so the uniformity of stress across the sample is called into question .
5 Cultural forms are never established by technical conveniences .
6 The principles of credit rating are immutable , they insist ; their credit opinions are never swayed by the judgments of others .
7 Further , even if it may be true that characteristic adjectives are never barred from prenominal occurrence , there are certainly instances where occasion adjectives are ungrammatical in postnominal position , as in : ( 30 ) Eddy will present the cheque to the winner happy we have yet to overcome this obstacle immediate Thus , Bolinger 's distinction between " characteristic " use and " occasion " use is neither necessary nor sufficient for postnominal occurrence , even if it overlaps to an interesting extent with the difference in position of the adjective .
8 Dishonesty and partiality are never mentioned in expert clauses as factors whose presence the parties agree would be sufficient to upset a decision : it is so obvious that it goes without saying , and is therefore an implied term .
9 Children of all ages are never forgotten at Sunwing — there 's a ‘ Club 13 ’ and ‘ Club 18 ’ , as well as a miniclub for the youngest ( and most energetic ) holidaymakers .
10 ‘ Sir , ’ they say , ‘ thank God there is someone … restored my faith in human nature … performed a signal service … struck a blow for common sense and ordinary human decency … exposed the hypocrisy of those who for our sins are set in authority over us … expressed what the vast majority of people fed … spoken up for the minority whose views are never taken into account … ’
11 Their voices are never raised in greeting — the whole week I ca n't remember a shout bar the occasional ‘ hola ’ .
12 Maxwell Fyfe 's guidelines were never meant to be taken seriously but were merely a piece of bureaucratic window-dressing .
13 The early steps in their relationship were not easy , and a few in the industry were never reconciled to his leadership , though all recognised that he was acquiring a strong sense of identity with the industry 's interests .
14 In December 1942 an Inspectorate of Eastern Troops was set up to supervise the formation and training of the proliferating military units ; but each was subordinated to a German unit ; and although an officer 's academy was established at Mariumpol , Lithuania ( later Conflans , France ) , the units were never assembled into tactical formations , and were largely posted on occupation duties to Western and Southern Europe .
15 ( One of the cruellest ironies of the death camps is that Jews were never meant to be thin . )
16 Many bookcases and sets of shelves displayed in furniture shops were never designed by a book man or anyone well acquainted with books , especially where sizes are concerned .
17 It was rumoured that banknotes were never withdrawn from circulation but simply frayed away .
18 When he sat and talked to Jekub , frogs were never dragged into the conversation .
19 Giant rectal contractions were never seen in normal subjects .
20 Just as we hare up one terminal-strewn alley we are diverted by quicksilver turns to another , a snappy script is never slave to technology and the piece is universally well acted .
21 So the rule is never take without asking .
22 Then they got some bloody er parent who said my Johnny 's never heard of that word before
23 Soviet aid was never intended in any case to equip the Republic for victory , so much as to enable it to resist until the Spanish war became part of a more general conflict in which Britain and France would join the Soviet Union in fighting European fascism .
24 A bishopric was not re-created at Ripon ( perhaps because a papal privilege was now recognized as protecting the monastery there ) , but Wilfrid was never restored to York during Aldfrith 's reign .
25 Unlike Nicolae 's sister , Elena Barbulescu , Elena Ceauşescu was never tempted by her power to stray from fidelity to her husband .
26 The adult Nizan was never to escape from it .
27 The United Nations was never intended to police the world .
28 The term was never used in regard to anything acceptable .
29 Proper data was never collected at the time .
30 The Orkney parents were never informed by the Islands ' Social Work Department of their own legal rights and the statutory powers , duties and roles of the agencies involved .
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