Example sentences of "[noun] [be] set the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore part of the appraisal is setting the target to be competent in the job .
2 You also need to allow headroom by leaving a little space between the top edge of the frame and the subject 's head , except for big c.lose-ups when the rule is to set the head so that the eyes come at about two-thirds of the height of the picture .
3 You could make complicated calculations , but an alternative is to set the blade for cutting the segments flat , but to hold the plank at the desired angle as you cut .
4 My reference in the next ensuing paragraph to the general principles of responsibility of the principal for the acts of the agent was to set the context of the consideration that in that particular case the solicitors for the creditors were equally deceived by the dishonest conduct of the son as were his own parents .
5 I reassured him that this warning was unnecessary : my ambition was to set the record for the slowest lap of the circuit .
6 Victoria 's genius in the Tenbrae Responses is to set the text to music of simple strength , built on memorable melodic lines in which the text often receives one note per syllable .
7 NEXT loop is to set the loop variable to a value equal to the limit value and then GOTO to the NEXT statement .
8 An hour before games were due to begin , the club was plunged into darkness by a major fault at the local sub-station , just as officials were setting the stage for the event .
9 An area of concern was identified and a project team was set the objective of finding a solution .
10 Here the station was setting the tone for a new British self-image , one more related to the power of medieval romance than classical imperial rule .
11 If no time limit is set the work tends to be unfocused .
12 A better and more accurate method is to set the edit-in point on the source-tape early by the amount of the backspace , so that the true edit-in point reaches the playback head just as the record-machine completes the backspace and starts to record .
13 In brief , then , the EMS was set the twin objectives of reducing the volatility of intra-EC exchange rates and of effecting a permanent reduction in member countries ' inflation rates .
14 Doug felt that , as his head of department , Mary was setting the agenda of the meetings , even though she had not seen the videos he made while teaching : ‘ There may be conflict there .
15 Teams representing a cross-section of housing interests were set the task of building a sandy estate incorporating a housing mix of family and old folks ' homes .
16 The Americans were setting the pace .
17 Beyond that , he says that the rediscovery of the lessons of shamanism and the power of psychedelics is setting the scene for a general Archaic Revival , which will see a return to the magical knowledge of tribal times .
18 For the four clubs Rovers are due to meet in the next stage of the Anglo-Italian Cup are setting the pace in Italy 's Serie B.
19 Environmental issues are setting the agenda for the future of the household cleaning and care product market in Europe , but , according to a new report from Frost & Sullivan , some manufacturers and retailers have failed to exploit this in their marketing initiatives .
20 If region R undertakes programmes that create spillovers for region S , then , following Boadway and Wildasin ( 1984 ) , the optimal decision is to set the provision of that good at the quantity where where
21 The Iraqis argued that if the USA were to set the date for the Bush-Aziz meeting , Iraq should have been allowed to choose the date of the Baker-Saddam meeting .
22 In such a case , we would suspect that the bridle is setting the kite at too steep an angle .
23 This feature is illustrated in figure 5.2 , in which it can be seen that in period 3 ( odd ) w t was set the end of the period 2 ( even ) but was actually set two periods earlier in period 1 ( odd ) .
24 ON MONDAY , the second day of the Marui Pipeline Masters , the waves were glassy and tubular and the local hotshots were setting the pace .
25 One solution is to set the glass back as much as a foot and to use thick , matured timber mullions to break up the surface .
26 When she got down again her mother was setting the table for high tea ; Clara , mutely .
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