Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] down [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They spent their evenings together in a trattoria on the square beside the Ponte Milvio or down in Trastevere , before a couple of hours at his place , or half a night at her apartment .
2 If they managed to exact a sworn and written abrogation of the Act from every single proprietor in the strath ( and over into Tummel and down past Dunkeld ) , at least they would have built a paper wall round themselves .
3 A virulent form of the endemic bubonic plagues of medieval Europe , it swept across the country from the south-west and down from London .
4 George Wood had hinted , and not too darkly , about the ‘ lads ’ who knew how to get past the guards and into the mines at night : he had intimated that there was a prosperous smugglers ' route through the highest mountain passes to the coast where the ore would be taken over to Ireland or down to Liverpool and Swansea .
5 Rest days from Ullapool were really out of the question so we either had to take the ship on the long sea passage to Aberdeen or down to Ardrossan .
6 We sat for a while by the cairn in the hot sun looking out before us , the only noise being the sound of the beck behind us falling over boulders and down towards Brackens Gill and the Dee .
7 By the late eleventh century the hand of Cluny was felt in houses spread all over the north of Spain and down into Italy , even to La Cava near Naples and over into Sicily , and also across the south and west of Germany in the movement which had its centre in Hirsau .
8 All over Greenwich and down into Deptford and along in Woolwich , people were protesting at the sudden heat .
9 Arrows can point up to heaven or down into hell .
10 Leaving the phone-booth , Quinn walked back into Blandford Street and down to Blackwood 's Hotel .
11 Most people arrive on the island on the north side and from here it 's best to travel east and walk from the port of Ryde over to the town of Seaview and down to Sandown .
12 It flashed through my mind that it was someone who was allowed out in the grounds of Bourani and down at Moutsa only on pain of keeping herself concealed .
13 But soon it was on with those famous upside-down glasses and down to business .
14 The old drover 's road turned aside here and climbed under the rock faces of White Crags to continue its lonely course over Girdle Fell and down into Redesdale .
15 They walked up Holborn , across the darkening common which stretched out before the old city walls , into the pestiferous area around Newgate and down towards Cheapside .
16 The NUWM was at the centre of most of the violent clashes with the police in the early 1930s , though this tactic was later changed to the more peaceful and probably more effective " hunger march " which took the unemployed through the countryside and down to London rather than leaving them isolated in the Distressed Areas .
17 The nation-state is inevitably becoming weaker as power goes both up to Europe and down to regions and districts , but it has a long life yet , and the British people have many uses for it .
18 Go east along field edge and down to stile .
19 Follow the road over the pass and down into Dunnerdale ( 4.5 miles ) .
20 The route this year will once again start from Bournemouth Pier , run along the promenade up to Hengistbury Head , before leaving the line of the sea as it heads up the scenic cliff tops and down to Boscombe Pier .
21 Even before I met him I 'd admired a North Shore picture of his which showed the Kam Highway as it meandered out of the hills and down into Haleiwa , flanked by pineapple plantations and clumps of trees , and in the distance the Pacific , rippling with big waves .
22 Some of the time the Germans at one end of the stadium were hearing the French translation , while their own language was floating with the wind over the top of the stadium and down to Lake Geneva .
23 I found the whisky , let myself out of the cellar and locked it , turned all the lights out , gave Mrs McSpadden the bottle , accepted a belated new-year kiss from her , then made my way out through the kitchen and the corridor and the crowded hall where the music sounded loud and people were laughing , and out through the now almost empty entrance hall and down the steps of the castle and down the driveway and down to Gallanach , where I walked along the esplanade — occasionally having to wave or say ‘ Happy New Year ’ to various people I did n't know — until I got to the old railway pier and then the harbour , where I sat on the quayside , legs dangling , drinking my whisky and watching a couple of swans glide on black , still water , to the distant sound of highland jigs coming from the Steam Packet Hotel , and singing and happy-new-year shouts echoing in the streets of the town , and the occasional sniff as my nose watered in sympathy with my eyes .
24 The tour travelled up the west coast to Oban , round the far north and down through Inverness to Aberdeen and Edinburgh , finishing up in Dumfries .
25 Either aboard the ferry from Plymouth to Santander or across the Channel and down through France .
26 The Broomielaw Quay was enlarged as years went by and after the arrival of steamships , created and born on this very river , the quays on the north bank were completed past Finnieston and down to Mavisbank by the 1880s .
27 He drew the splayed fingers of one hand over her throat and down to cup one breast , and , even as she tried to back away , Shannon felt her nipples puckering , begging for his touch .
28 Nearly £15,000 has been spent on landscaping and surfacing the area by The Globe public house and down to Alresford Pond .
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