Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] at other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean we hardly went into another shop and yet , you see , we have a young chappie like yourself who comes to the Guild once every year and shows us slides of old Walsall , Walsall Wood , Aldridge , the local area , and he said I 'm not very good Ruth at talking but he he 'd got the slides you know , and it , it used to end up with me doing the commentary on Walsall Wood , because you stand on the of Walsall Wood , which is there now , and your Co-op was right on the corner which is why I call it the corner store and you see people congregated there , people met there and when I 'd been accused of the , we 'd been at the college or at other conferences and why ca n't we get Guild members today , well that was the breeding ground your shop , you see .
2 Grand confrontations in restaurants or at other people 's dinner parties are thus excluded .
3 ‘ I hope it will do the same in people 's homes and at other places of work . ’
4 The formal discipline can sometimes tidy up muddled thinking but at other times it can interfere with the creatively developing interaction between trainer and trainee .
5 Most difficult of all is the third problem , since the present manual system of serial control makes it impossible for up-to-date information about periodicals to be made available either in the Issue Hall or at other service points .
6 This is the enlargement of many lymph nodes ( lymphadenopathy ) in the neck , armpits and at other sites in the body , and is usually painless .
7 Many villages , such as Barwick-in-Elmet in Yorkshire , retain the tradition of erecting the pole and dancing round on May Eve and at other times .
8 In bad organizations the objectives are decided unilaterally , very often as a result of a political trading-off process at the board and at other levels , and are perceived by those below to be quite unrealistic and impossible of achievement .
9 At times when the generality stood in the presence of their superiors and at other times squatted on the ground or at most sat on stools or benches , thrones were potent symbols of authority .
10 They offer two-day , non-residential courses at their Farnborough headquarters and at other locations countrywide .
11 Signs have gone up in Bondgate and at other points in the town centre warning motorists of the changes .
12 Originally , these were developed in connection with university extension courses in the late-nineteenth century and established the tradition of summer meetings for study at Oxford , Cambridge and at other universities .
13 There 's nothing special about it , and the same laws hold at the North Pole as at other places on the earth .
14 Part-time male reservists do only sanger ( guard ) duty , either at the station or at other locations ; female reservists are restricted in the main to the guard room inside the station , with only full-time reserve policemen carrying the responsibility for a broader range of tasks , although few are involved in the paperwork for a case file .
15 This occurs because the waves are not quite in step : sometimes they reinforce each other and at other times they cancel each other out — in the same way that 1 + ( -1 ) = 0 .
16 After 17.00 on weekdays , and on Saturday mornings , mean delivery times show a greater degree of fluctuation than at other periods , and while this may partly be explained in terms of the smallness of the samples from which these mean delivery times were calculated , it seems likely that a major factor was again reduced staffing levels at these periods .
17 He fought at Lewes on Edward 's behalf and at other battles .
18 And I would like to say thank you to the people who sit on the budget review sub- committee , a committee which actually I do n't attend as often as I probably ought to , particularly to the labour spokesperson , for the way he 's guided the committee , both from within the chair and at other times , on it 's work this year , to be able to propose a budget which erm , so well fulfils the aims that many of us had when we were elected in May , which were of course , to maintain services , er , to squeeze efficiency out of the sy into the system and squeeze any waste out , and to get our officers working towards zero base budgets .
19 These groups operate sometimes in concert and at other times in opposition , but almost inevitably they seem to further their own interests at the expense of the rural working class .
20 Sometimes priorities can be expressed in absolute terms but at other times absolutes are impossible .
21 It can also examine timetables to ensure that bus companies operate not only at peak times but at midday or at other times when people wish to travel to doctors , hospitals or services that may be situated in the centres of population in cities and towns .
22 During the summer Dad would go to the allotment or at other times of the year start one or other of the jobs which he always seemed to have to do .
23 Leucocytes forming part of the inflammatory infiltrate of ulcerative colitis and at other sites of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract may produce smooth muscle relaxation via release of NO .
24 Some mornings he 's suffering from what quite obviously is a hangover and at other times he appears to have a stomach upset .
25 I met her once or twice , at church and at other houses where there were children of our age .
26 On the 85 m long viaduct over the Water of Leith and at other bridges over local roads the original parapet has been raised for reasons of public safety , and lighting is being provided on sections of route in built-up areas .
27 Is it not a tidy state of affairs when the best that the 370-odd Tory Members can deliver in this place every Tuesday and Thursday and at other Question Times is a tirade of abuse about what Labour would do ?
28 You can be perfectly well with HIV and at other times chronic debility makes it hard to do even the basic things .
29 You can be perfectly well with HIV and at other times chronic debility makes it hard to do even the basic things .
30 ‘ You can be perfectly well with HIV but at other times it 's hard to do even basic things .
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