Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ failed to accord precedence to a foot passenger on the carriageway ’ This point means that the offending driver did not stop at or before the ‘ give-way ’ line , where provided , which is one metre from the limits of the crossing or at the limits to accord precedence .
2 Thus politicians may say whatever they choose in Parliament or at the proceedings of select committees ( see Chapter 9 ) .
3 The increased use of personal computers means that files of secret information may be left lying around on a cassette or floppy disc in unlocked offices or at the homes of executives .
4 A SHROUD , is composed of a peculiar kind of flannel , woven on purpose , and called shrouding flannel ; it is made of a breadth and a half , full length , so as to cover the feet ; one seam is sewed up , leaving the other open behind , like a pinafore ; slits are cut for arm-holes , and plain long sleeves , without gussets set in ; the front is gathered at the waist , and drawn up into a narrow piece ; this is twice repeated , at intervals of three nails down the skirt , upon each of these gatherings , round the neck and at the wrists , a kind of border of the same flannel , punched at the edge in a pattern , is plaited , and an edging of the same is made at the bottom .
5 Trading profits at the hotels halved to £75m and at the restaurants profits fell 15 p.c. to £63m .
6 Turnover at the hotels fell 8 p.c. and at the restaurants it was down 1 p.c .
7 A friend who teaches both in Brooklyn and at the jails on Rijkers Island says she feels far less secure in school .
8 She had then bleached his hair along the side and at the temples … and the results , as she had promised , added ten years and more to his age .
9 ( Since then I have learned that the way it is done is in a body bag , which is much easier to handle , and then transferred to a coffin either in the pick-up vehicle or at the undertakers . )
10 Once or twice I caught the N.C.O. staring at me with an expression of hate and disgust but he never maintained it when I stared back , and would look suddenly out of the window or at the papers in the portfolio he was carrying .
11 Cast iron superseded lead as the main material used for gutters and downpipes but cast iron systems are now likely to be showing signs of leaking at the joints between lengths of guttering or at the joints in downpipes .
12 During the duty period the solicitor has to be available all the time to provide advice over the telephone or at the police station , and receives a standby payment , up to half of which is deducted if advice is provided up to that level of work .
13 Look critically at your environment , at your home and place of work and at the halls or rooms where you may have to attend meetings .
14 For , both within capitalist countries and at the points where expanding bourgeois society encountered — and destroyed — other societies , the living past and the emerging present came into open conflict .
15 In one of his earliest pamphlets , called The Reason of Church Government , he said this about himself : ‘ After I had for my first years , by the ceaseless diligence and care of my father , whom God recompense , been exercised to the tongues and some sciences as my age would suffer , by sundry masters and teachers , both at home and at the schools , it was found that whether ought was imposed me by them that had the overlooking , or be taken to of mine own choice in English or other tongue , prosing or versing but chiefly by this latter , style by certain vital signs it had was likely to live .
16 Disgust at the actions of the primary sufferer and at the consequences of the disease .
17 It is hoped that some refresher sessions will be included in the Easter Course and at the weekends at Green Park which provide insight into the up-to-date methods of teaching Medau .
18 Look in any Golf Club professional 's shop or at the advertisements in any golfing magazine and you will see everywhere the implication that ‘ professional ’ clubs need to be different from those used by ordinary golfers .
19 Many shops were boarded up , their owners having perished in the war or at the hands of the Komitehs , or been bankrupted by the collapsed economy .
20 The CPAG itself has chosen to define those earning less than 140 per cent of SB as ‘ living in poverty or at the margins of poverty ’ .
21 However , her warnings are aimed less at the right than at the Communists and their 26 deputies , who would fare badly in an early general election .
22 Ideally , the spine ought to be next to the sail and at the intersections , the loop on the centre bridle made large enough to permit the spine to slip through .
23 It is for these reasons that his approach seems the more fruitful of the two in understanding the situation in advanced capitalist societies during the last twenty or thirty years , when Adorno 's conception of artistic totality , mirror image of an increasingly global , oppressive industrial totality , presents a theoretical cul-de-sac ; when , by contrast , we are actually bombarded by an increasingly heterogeneous mix of musical methods and messages , often seemingly cut free from traditions and sources , shifted around at random ; when listeners do seem to some extent to have learned , gradually , new perceptual skills , through several decades of habituation , enabling more active comparison of styles , a greater variety of uses and a more ‘ ironic ’ relationship to the stream of musical products ; and when the main opportunities for critique and subversion lie not in head-on ‘ romantic ’ protest but in exploiting temporary spaces , in the cracks and at the margins , within the monolith itself .
24 They were also given the job of erecting direction signs to the nearest lavatory in corridors and at the exits to lecture rooms .
25 Where they stood , barely a mile from the aircraft 's final resting place , there was no escaping a muted collective anger — directed as much at seemingly complacent airport authorities and governments as at the perpetrators of mass murder a year ago .
26 The questionnaire on page 35 of this booklet should be completed and handed in at the Sport and Recreation Display on enrolment day or at the Sports ' Centre Reception .
27 The telephone has to be manned 24 hours a day , 7 days a week , so when it is my turn on duty ( at night or at the weekends ) , answering the phone occupies much of my time .
28 This heating is uneven : more by day than at night , and more at the equator than at the poles .
29 However , the greater solar input at the equator than at the poles would produce greater solar choking at the equator , and this can be shown to aid equator to pole circulation in the Jovian interior , thus distributing solar energy more uniformly and leading to the small equator to pole temperature differences observed in the upper troposphere .
30 they were always they were swept every day and at the weekends .
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