Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some applications companies may also be enamoured by the possibility of using the NetWare Loadable Module to support demo licensing , which replaces ‘ cripple-ware ’ by a full copy of the application that will only run a limited number of times or for a limited length of time .
2 The LFS distinguishes between temporary workers who describe themselves as having " seasonal , temporary or casual jobs " and those with " jobs done under contract or for a fixed period of time " .
3 Members can also choose how long they wish to stay at the ‘ weekend ’ , whether for just a morning or afternoon or for the whole day-and-a-half .
4 However , these names are often not available in the volumes required for high volume target mailings or for an extended , rolled out campaign .
5 Natural science is happy to take a spectator 's view of the workings of nature , and any retreat , as in quantum theory in physics or for the philosophical reasons in the last chapter , is reluctant .
6 So it is under our present system , and so it would be under the RES , if it were nomination either for a safe constituency seat or for a high position on a party list .
7 But now the solar influence is beginning to turn around to contribute a further warming influence up to the year 2010 , boosting the greenhouse effect where for the past 30 years it has been counterbalancing it .
8 Success for capital is not necessarily the same as success for labour or for a local economy .
9 After common primary schooling , children were selected by intelligence tests either for one of the old grammar schools or for a technical school , or for a secondary modern school .
10 if either party is by any cause ( other than a cause directly attributable to the other party ) prevented from performing its obligations hereunder for a period of 3 ( three ) months or for a total period of 6 ( six ) months in any period of 12 ( twelve ) consecutive months .
11 For shorter sessions or for a wandering style on rivers , a combination chair/rucksack , fold-up stool or chair , are better .
12 After that there are no plans to build new aircraft except for the controversial FSX , a new support-fighter based on the American F-16 that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is developing with General Dynamics of the United States .
13 Also , bear in mind that for the single horse owner a bag of coarse mix will be used up while the feed still retains its value .
14 And consequently it was also Sky 's fault that for every one person watching Sky , six people choose to tune into Football Italia on Channel 4 on Sunday afternoons .
15 Calculation of standard errors of sample statistics is generally more complicated for the sampling schemes described in this chapter than for the simple random sample .
16 Socialism , however , had been repudiated at the polls even more decisively than Protection , and there seemed to be a stronger case for an anti-socialist coalition composed of the Conservative and Liberal Parties than for a Free Trade one .
17 There is speculation that the Government is working to the rule that for every 4 per cent depreciation of the pound , there would be a 1 point rise in base rates to maintain the tightness of monetary policy .
18 He proved and illustrated from Bede that for the first hundred and forty years after its foundation as an archbishopric , Canterbury had held primatial authority over the whole country ; then he went on to prove , though more sketchily , that this state of affairs had lasted without intermission until the Norman Conquest .
19 Twenty minutes later the Sergeant was showing me my accommodation for the night : a bare cell except for a wooden bunk in one corner and two blankets .
20 I know we 've argued all these years and I 've been irritable , if not downright rude , but … but … ’ and Creggan was astonished to see that this fiercest of eagles was suddenly close to a profound grief and for a few moments quite unable to say anything more .
21 But this ca n't be seen — it is n't obvious — a child can become the subject of ridicule and for a sensitive and intelligent child this can be sheer hell .
22 In 1830 Artis returned to Castor and for the next few years divided his time between his business interests in Doncaster and small-scale excavations at Castor .
23 The ratio of long- to middle-wave cones ranges from 1.6 to 0.42 for samples from individual animals and for the total sample has a value ( 0.89 ) that does not differ significantly from unity ( ) .
24 But it was also an explicitly Christian spirit — unfortunate therefore for the four thousand Jews and for the tiny but now increasing numbers of Hindus , Buddhists , Muslims , and Taoists .
25 He met her eyes and for a second time ; she smiled her shy smile at him , but his swimming head filled it with invitations .
26 He wore an expression of abject defeat and for a short moment my attention moved away from my own troubles and I felt sorry for him .
27 May I thank my honourable friend for that extremely helpful reply and for the encouraging figures which he has given to the house this afternoon .
28 Denoting the intrinsic energy change by — U we have the equation and for the whole body Now the rate at which work is done by the external forces is The second integral converts by Gauss 's theorem to Now is we assume infinitesimal strains we may write and the second term vanishes in the summations .
29 Luce buried her face against Michele 's neck and for a long time they sat without moving or speaking .
30 Conversely , the fact that we are able to predict events is experimental evidence against singularities and for the no-boundary proposal .
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