Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 This is a code of conduct for directors of listed companies requiring them not to deal in their own company 's shares on short-term considerations or at a time when they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information .
2 Tissues were obtained at open lung biopsy or at the time of transplantation , and fixed in formalin for immunohistochemistry and in 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline ( PBS ) for in-situ hybridisation .
3 The answer is that he can maintain the action if at the time of the defendant 's act he had ( a ) ownership and possession of the goods , or ( b ) possession of them ; or ( c ) an immediate right to possess them , but without either ownership or actual possession .
4 If the sciences were less subordinate to theology at the time of Newton than at the time of Copernicus , had the Reformation in religion created favorable conditions for a reformation in science ?
5 Richard had bitter enemies and his battles with the Archbishop of York concerning the seniority of Canterbury over York were still reverberating around the cloisters of the two cities although at the time of his death the supremacy of Canterbury had been resolved .
6 Again , it is a peculiarity of unfair dismissal law that an industrial tribunal does not have the power to consider the fairness of dismissal where at the time of dismissal the employer was conducting a lockout or the employee was taking part in a strike or other industrial action .
7 It was symptomatic of the British approach to the whole question that at the time the Act took effect no one knew , even to an approximation , how many data users were going to be required to register .
8 Stations at Darlington , Newton Aycliffe , Fishburn and Chester-le-Street were also operating with a single vehicle and at the time of the call all were out .
9 However , since the scheme was implemented in very unfavourable political circumstances and at a time when overall resources for education were shrinking , its impact was limited .
10 They will still meet their contractual obligations but at a time more beneficial to the patients and thus be more cost effective .
11 " I think I learnt a few things , " laughs Eva though at the time it must have been extremely painful for the girl who had " excelled at everything " .
12 a coincidence cos at the time I started taking them actually trying to spare my branch work in a bank .
13 It 's a very effective direct piece of lobbying and at a time when a lot of people who obviously were n't Green Party supporters behind the campaign .
14 A transfer of other real property , such as the holiday home to the wife , will give rise to a capital gains liability if at the time of the transfer , as is more than likely , the parties are separated in such circumstances as are likely to prove permanent or are separated under a court order ( see p16 ) ( see , for example , Aspden v Hildesley [ 1982 ] 1 WLR 264 where a transfer of property which had never been the husband 's main residence was made to the wife six years after the parties separated ) .
15 And : ‘ Nigel would have been delighted at your success and I was very moved by your point that at no time was he attended or touched by any but those close to him .
16 ( 6 ) Mark any point that at the time of perusing the abstracted deed does not appear clear to you by scoring the margin heavily against your note , or in any other manner that will catch your attention .
17 She looked like a refugee from one of those films that at the time constantly glamourized the Paris left bank — like Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face or Juliet Greco in so many roles .
18 This practice of marking searches , requisitions , etc , should be an invariable one for three reasons : ( 1 ) it compels you to consider each question and reply before marking it ; ( 2 ) it will save your time in selecting answers that require further action , and will avoid your reading through the enquiries again later on to make sure that the replies to them are in order ; and ( 3 ) it is a permanent record that at the time of the transaction you not only made your search , etc , but duly considered and dealt with the replies .
19 Prospective owners were required to put down an initial deposit of £50,000 , which seemed fair enough when they had received 1,400 applications and at a time when the prices of exclusive cars were rising to the stratosphere .
20 He was light for what he did and played in a place and at a time when very heavy tackling was the chief feature of the game .
21 Unfortunately it is an extremely time-consuming process and at the time of the SEA much yet remained to be done before all the products that needed to be dealt with had in fact been covered .
22 An order is not to be made under the section if the company entered into the transaction in good faith and for the purpose of carrying on its business and at the time there were reasonable grounds for believing the transaction would benefit the company : subsection ( 5 ) .
23 The Mayor of Bedford for the time being was always to be an additional director and at the time of the meeting the Mayor was John Wing , who had been sworn in on 29th September 1793 , and served for one year , after which he remained as one of the aldermen .
24 It is a method that is nearly always used there days but at the time it was quite a new technique , certainly for a band like The Wedding Present .
25 This lasted for some weeks but at no time was the baby at risk either physically or psychologically nor was the mother and baby bond threatened .
26 Oh , I can see now that it was unworthy and beside the point but at the time I was so exasperated with the man and his perfidy that any ammunition would have done .
27 He had applied for a grant but at the time Liverpool City Council was snowed under by applications .
28 Of course the message had to be wrapped in a fairly light romantic story but at the time of the opening there was concern that publicity was concentrating too much on the comedy and not enough on the ‘ timeliness ’ of the film .
29 Further , there is no evidence that at the time the debtor would have qualified financially for legal aid .
30 It was held that the fact the engine seized up after only three weeks was evidence that at the time of the sale the car was not reasonably fit for the purpose of being driven on the road .
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