Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The position of the hole for the ballvalve stem may be dictated by a backplate or specially strengthened section near the top of the cistern .
2 The list of people buried here is long and includes Judah Loew ben Bezalel ( Rabbi Loew d.1609 ) , a philosopher who was interested in the supernatural in traditional Jewish teaching , and whose notorious golem or artificially created servant , was said to lie in pieces in the attic of the Old-New Synagogue ; David Gans , the first Jewish historian to write a history of the gentiles which was published in Prague in 1592 ; Josef Salomo ben Elias del Medigo de Candia ( the Wandering Jew ) , who was born in Crete , studied at Palermo , was a pupil of Galileo , and finally practised medicine everywhere from Cairo to Prague ; Mardochee who founded a most important printing press in Prague and who was one of the founders of the Brotherhood of the Dead who until this century kept vigil at the cemetery .
3 When the complexities of circumstance defeat analysis , and we grope for the best prediction or choice attainable , we do not doubt that there is a better founded prediction or better informed choice which no one perhaps will be lucky enough to hit on .
4 The consumer must accept that , with organic systems , some fruits and vegetables will not look perfect and they will continue to be more expensive because organic farming is more labour intensive and the land usually produces lower yields than conventionally farmed land .
5 Their responsibility for improving relations between police and public makes them sensitive to the disastrous effect that wrongly exercised discretion can have on the public 's perception of the RUC .
6 Should we look to it for a pool of inventive talent that actively embodied novelty in its products , and thereby provided pressure for technical change among its customers ; or rather , for provision of engineering skills that responded passively to the demands made upon it by the inventiveness of its clients consumer industries and civil engineers ?
7 The fact that many more men resembled Dustin than ever resembled film stars like Cary Grant or Gary Cooper was irrelevant .
8 She closed her eyes and , as she did so , valves that normally regulated memory burst open .
9 Her backwardly turned ears and slightly lifted tail show that she is interested in mating , even though she may not be ready yet .
10 Libraries with very small branch establishments have always faced this problem , and it is perhaps not surprising that Scottish libraries who face the additional problem of very low population densities and widely spaced service points , do not score highly on ‘ amount ’ of formal training :
11 Plenty of stowage for groceries and effectively fiddled worktop areas in the neat galley
12 Er the problem with the job is it 's very tight inside there so we 've had to use cranes and basically poured concrete er ours is being done by a separate sub-contractor .
13 At recent review two years after the onset of jaundice she remains well with a normal bilirubin concentration and slightly raised liver enzyme activities .
14 The surgeons shook their heads and unanimously recommended amputation .
15 Certainly not a considerable number of ladies , according to hot gossip and well informed rumour .
16 O. abyssicola closely resembles the holotype and only known specimen of O. granulifera Verrill : both have similarly shaped oral shields and ventral arm plates .
17 Current work in the Centre covers a wide area and emphasises inter-disciplinary study and theoretically informed research .
18 ‘ Virtually everyone who has been correctly oriented to the Streamline approach says that all of its positive features such as interleaved teacher 's notes , reintroduction of previously learned material , jargon-free instructions , emphasis on aural/oral study and clearly defined lesson targets make the series a joy to use . ’
19 The car passenger Mark Southall is another Jehovah 's Witness and also refused blood .
20 … there is some practical convergence between ( i ) the anthropological and sociological senses of culture as a distinct ‘ whole way of life ’ , within which , now , a distinctive ‘ signifying system ’ is seen not only as essential but as essentially involved in all forms of social activity , and ( ii ) the more specialized if also more common sense of culture as ‘ artistic and intellectual activities ’ , though these , because of the emphasis on a general signifying system , are now much more broadly defined , to include not only the traditional arts and forms of intellectual production but also all the ‘ signifying practices ’ — from language through the arts and philosophy to journalism , fashion and advertising — which now constitute this complex and necessarily extended field .
21 Thus there is some practical convergence between ( i ) the anthropological and sociological senses of culture as a distinct ‘ whole way of life ’ , within which , now , a distinctive ‘ signifying system ’ is seen not only as essential but as essentially involved in all forms of social activity , and ( ii ) the more specialized if also more common sense of culture as ‘ artistic and intellectual activities ’ , though these , because of the emphasis on a general signifying system , are now much more broadly defined , to include not only the traditional arts and forms of intellectual production but also all the ‘ signifying practices ’ — from language through the arts and philosophy to journalism , fashion and advertising — which now constitute this complex and necessarily extended field .
22 With that check came renewed questioning about the balance between services provided by the social services departments and the many forms of family , neighbourhood and commercially purchased care that they supplemented .
23 At the last opening , 400 visitors in one afternoon flocked in to admire the Weedons ' strikingly formal walkways flanked by irises , lavender , peonies and closely clipped privet hedges .
24 The result — we have beautiful new homes and centrally heated redundancy !
25 Some have suffered from high inflation rates and political coups which have undermined the population 's confidence in domestic currencies and thereby encouraged investment in non-productive gold coins or jewellery .
26 He went down on his haunches in front of Chant and suddenly snatched hold of a handful of his hair .
27 Both had for a period apprenticed their ideas to those of Graham Sutherland and both paid homage to Picasso , Vaughan equating him with Auden and Bartók as an artist who had evolved ‘ a coherent vocabulary of form appropriate to our life ’ .
28 Number of cases of rectal gonorrhoea and newly diagnosed infection in homosexual men .
29 He knew nothing about drill , but learned the necessary movements from books and soon gained promotion to chief petty officer .
30 Ahead a kiosk , fashioned in the manner of a tartan fairground booth , offered up the tantalizing fragrances of fried bacon and freshly brewed coffee .
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