Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In old age Arthur would still come to the brewery for an hour or two every day and later ride on horseback to his flour mills at Kilmainham .
2 ‘ She arranged for me to be companion to an old lady , the mother of a friend of theirs , for an hour or two a day .
3 I myself spend an hour or two a day in the garden hut with my father-in-law , dismantling the baby 's cot and highchair .
4 The school , of course , had existed for some years now , ever since the Factory Act which her father could not mention without turning purple , had thought it advisable for factory children to be given some education , feeling that an hour or two a week per child , perhaps , of reading , writing and arithmetic , would not go amiss .
5 One more pair of hands for an hour or two a week can be a godsend for this very worthwhile and rewarding ‘ back bone ’ work .
6 If it only takes you an hour or two a week to run your administration , then you do n't yet need a computer .
7 A brisk walk , say 20 minutes or half an hour , 3 times a week will do wonders for your circulation .
8 It says it could be thirty minutes or half an hour on that one .
9 With this exercise you can automatically delete from a text all the prepositions or all the conjunctions or all the pronouns ( or any combination of these ) for re-insertion by the student .
10 For example , in schools where all the teachers followed guidelines in the same way , the impact was positive .
11 Overall , the attitudes of children in the action schools where all the interventions took place became noticeably more liberal , especially on sex role and occupational stereotypes and the ‘ masculinity ’ of science .
12 when a single entry or all the entries in the range are cross-referenced by other entries .
13 when a single entry or all the entries in the range cross-reference other entries .
14 I left him with appreciation and went forward into the central dining car where all the actors were sitting in front of coffee cups and poring over typed sheets of stage directions , muttering under their breaths and sometimes exclaiming aloud .
15 During the first two weeks on the Scarsdale Medical Diet , you will be delighted and encouraged by rapid weight loss , actually seeing on the scale that pounds are dropping off day by day ( not that discouraging pound or two a week ) .
16 A It is an 11-nation club where all the members agree to keep the value of their currencies within fixed bands .
17 I 'm sure there ca n't be many warrens where all the rabbits can meet together underground .
18 Apart from adding a starter , you can add bacteria and ‘ seed ’ ; the tank by adding water from an already sound tank ; by adding media ( say gravel from the undergravel or half a filter sponge ) to the filter ; and by washing out a mature in-use filter in the new tank .
19 But the jamboree could well turn into one of those parties where half the guests fail to turn up , and everyone else tries terribly hard to pretend that they are having a marvellous time .
20 But his cash income of 80 yuan a month , even when supplemented by the sale of a pig or two a year , gives the family a yearly cash income of no more than 1,500 yuan .
21 The American policy-makers were labouring under the delusion that such a force would be attractive to the Europeans .
22 We can predict it simply from our reasoning that both the beetle genes and the bacterial genes will take whatever steps lie in their power to engineer the same future events — events favourable to the propagation of beetle eggs .
23 Rivers of raindrops created the illusion that all the faces were melting , were weeping .
24 After 1957 , coffee prices fell drastically , with the result that all the villagers suffered .
25 It follows that all eggs contain an X chromosome , but when spermatozoa are formed , the X separates from the Y , with the result that half the sperm contain an X , and the other half a Y chromosome .
26 When ( Labour ) tries to define a programme capable of rallying the masses at the next general election , it falls back , not on a specifically socialist programme , but on the old programme that half a century ago had been that of bourgeois liberalism in England .
27 I mean bearing in mind that all the resources were broken down presumably the were separate gangs we could n't really make
28 Bearing in mind that all the women who appear are portrayed as homemakers of one kind or another , it is significant that on the occasions when potentially humorous situations emerge , women are the ‘ butt of the joke ’ on six of these occasions ( and Audrey as a potential one ) , despite the fact that there are fewer women overall .
29 Erm , now bearing in mind that half the year has gone , or will have gone by the time anybody arrived here , erm it seemed to me that where I , my analysis of that situation was that if we were going to achieve our target times , erm , then the theory would seem to be that we ought to make , er , two appointments now , I E two appointments for half the year will be equivalent to one appointment for the year , and that will produce the number of investigative hours which roughly that the formula says we need to knock off the required number of complaints in the required number of times .
30 Although the committee was expected primarily to identify people suspected of having collaborated with the Iraqi army , opposition sources quoted in the Guardian of Feb. 13 expressed the fear that such a committee might be used against dissidents , adding that , if this were so , such a body " would be very dangerous if there were no parliament " .
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