Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although the last allegation is regarded with some scepticism by royal watchers , their speculation is heightened because the royal couple have barely been seen to exchange words or glances so far in the tour , even though they have been smiling and cheerful to those they have met .
2 He reduces it to this petty party political level and then he makes excuses for all the lowest-performing local authorities , which are Labour-controlled , and resists any idea that we should address the teaching methods that have so badly let down children in Newham , Bradford and all the other areas in the bottom 20 , almost all of which are Labour controlled .
3 Several boats had followed and were waiting to transport the tourists back to a civilisation that seemed so very far away from the respite of these fascinating caves .
4 And , although she was irritated by his refusal to believe her , against her will she was still mesmerised by the blue eyes that stared so intently into her own , felt warmth steal through her when he glanced at her mouth .
5 Does he realise that we need to deal urgently with the special car tax and to review the punitive arrangements affecting company cars that have so badly hit the Jaguar car company in my constituency ?
6 She saw his mouth , the mouth that had so nearly covered hers , curve into a provocative smile .
7 It suggests the defiant flame that burned so brightly against France and New Zealand in the World Cup remains a significant Canadian strength .
8 Those demands that have so far been made have come from Slovakia , the most controversial concerning a fourteenth-century Italian Gothic altar .
9 I had a terrible shock when you opened your eyes and looked so steadily at me .
10 Being considerate when passing walkers and doing so slowly .
11 ‘ Despite the new Golf 's unadventurous styling , ’ I wrote , ‘ Volkswagen deserves an accolade for putting its commercial weight and influence so heavily behind safety and environmental concerns … consistent emphasis on durability and reliability … inspired engineering of the VR6 version … ‘
12 It was the experience he gained in Greenock which enabled him to go to the United States and feature so prominently in American deaf education .
13 With few exceptions ( see below ) , all the haematological and biochemical values were normal at the start of the study and remained so throughout .
14 However Ingres reports increasing interest from other sectors and goes so far as to suggest that the Enhanced Security features may become an optional part of the standard Ingres database in the release after next .
15 The following night Mr Newman went to the address , but was ambushed as he left his car and attacked so violently that half his face was battered beyond recognition .
16 They set about an extensive programme of repair and renovation of the complex and have so far successfully restored one of the Clutterbuck water wheels , as well as a Tangye Compound Steam Engine ( plus a portable boiler ) , that formerly powered stick making machinery .
17 Bricks and mortar so far as I 'm concerned .
18 That 's why Speedbird holidays give such pleasure and work so well .
19 That is , an authority may rely on considerations which do not apply to its subjects when doing so reliably leads to decisions which approximate better than any which would have been reached by any other procedure , to those decisions best supported by reasons which apply to the subjects .
20 Suddenly it was taking every atom of her will-power to stop that hand from doing what it longed to do — namely rise up and tangle with the silky black hair that curled so invitingly round Guido 's left ear .
21 Giving judgment in a case that has so far been heard in camera , Mr Justice Hoffmann ruled that Mr William Goodwin , a journalist working for The Engineer , must hand over his notes of a telephone conversation with his source .
22 They can only conclude that ‘ Either badgers waste energy with the continued digging or very large burrows confer an advantage that has so far eluded us . ’
23 This corresponds with the concept of profit maximisation that has so far been employed above , save that the latter concept contains an ambiguity about time-scale : it does not specify the period over which profits are to be maximised .
24 A key question is how the management of the market imperfections that have so strongly influenced investment behaviour in the past will be conducted in the future .
25 The days of the truly great power portrait , the majestic Victorian and Edwardian canvases that hang so solemnly in the darker corridors of the National Portrait Gallery , have long since gone .
26 But the improvements that have so far been effective — the so-called Green Revolution programmes — have been highly energy-intensive because of their dependence on irrigation , fertilisers and mechanisation .
27 Robbie nodded , mentally apologising to him for all the scathing epithets that had so nearly tumbled from her lips .
28 For the last two or three years , Chorus has been involved with Unisys Corp in a technology exchange that has so far failed to produce any significant deliveries .
29 As we listen to these phrases that rolled so easily off the tongue , and which have also rolled on down through history to our own time , we must make a special effort to remember very carefully just who the men were who engineered the Garotter 's Act — what kind of men they were ; what kind of times they lived in ; and what forces helped to shape their upright moral certitude .
30 Editor , — John Wright and Helen Ford describe the anguish and despair affecting many sub-Saharan African countries and made so much worse recently by drought .
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