Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] she to " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't put down exactly what she was like , only words that summon her to my mind , and this worries me , but it does n't really matter , since I know what she looked like , and this is being written just for me anyway .
2 She thanked the driver , lifted the latch of the low iron gate and took four steps that brought her to the front door .
3 A friend in Joan 's office was active in the Womens ' Loyalist Action Association and invited her to one of its meetings .
4 He contacted her when he heard of her research into women 's self-defence and invited her to his surgery .
5 The man then grabbed her around the neck and forced her to the ground .
6 4 After an argument with the woman with whom he had been living , D drove his lorry into her car and crushed her to death .
7 He dumped his kitbag and led her to an armchair , but she clung to him in a state of possessive disbelief which upset Charles even more than the deep depression he 'd been suffering from when he entered the flat .
8 Removing his hand from his pocket , but leaving hers in place , he put his arm round her shoulders and hugged her to his side .
9 Mamma put her ample arm round Noreen 's shaking shoulders and brought her to the kitchen table and made her sit down .
10 He 'd obviously put his own glass down , because he halted her by grabbing her shoulders and bringing her to a halt .
11 Marc looped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to a more comfortable position beneath him .
12 Mr Browning sighed and put his arms round his wife 's heaving shoulders and drew her to him .
13 Fired by an intensely feminine and creative energy , she was spotted as a teenager by her first impresario , who snapped her up off the streets where she had been making her living and introduced her to the torrid cabaret life of the French capital .
14 To mark the occasion the club presented her with a tracksuit and treated her to a slap-up lunch at a Middlesbrough restaurant .
15 There are many , priests too , who would wipe out in a day all the familiar things about Mother Church that endear her to us all , even the precepts and practices that are the reason she has survived for all these nineteen hundred years .
16 ‘ I was young and hot then ’ , she says , talking of her dancing days in LA , and later in the famous European tour of the 1950s of Gershwin 's Porgy and Bess that took her to La Scala .
17 He never took Kate home or mentioned her to his mother .
18 THE gritty determination that took her to the top as Coronation Street 's Ivy has always been there .
19 I pulled off the wires that joined her to my machine .
20 I did n't want her to give herself over to the view of life that underlay all this , the philosophy that pinned her to the shadow-corners of the world .
21 He was trying to win her back from the greedy black hole — to release her from its iron grip and return her to the safety of the study .
22 She went to the Labour Bureau and the clerk there told her that she would be passed fit for clerical work and sent her to the Ministry of Defence Office .
23 He bent down , thrust his unshaven face and stinking breath into Sally-Anne 's , put his great hands under her armpits and hauled her to her feet by main force , Poll still clinging desperately to her .
24 My father has been buying Margaret a designer wardrobe and escorting her to all the best restaurants and clubs and Suzie has taken up surf-boarding .
25 He was kissing her hungrily , then he lifted her off her feet and carried her to the water 's edge , resting her on the sand so that their bodies could feel the gentle ebb and fall of the sea against them .
26 They had grasped her by the wrists and feet and dragged her to the neighbouring room .
27 He threw his head back with laughter then hauled her to her feet and hugged her to him .
28 Salt shook her shoulder and when that made no difference , dragged her to her feet and propelled her to the small book-lined room known as the study .
29 Then , as she began to think about it , her anger rose , asserting itself to an even greater degree and causing her to almost hiss at him , ‘ Tell me this — what sort of a hypocrite kisses a woman when he dislikes the entire sex ? ’
30 He put his arms round her waist and hugged her to him , gazing long and deeply into her eyes .
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