Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [prep] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 an interim award will be made if a defender can meet the obligation either from his own funds or from funds he could dispose of at will .
2 We had at least seven other buck sergeants and maybe a staff sergeant crewing airplanes which had been returned to us two or three month after the deal and at times we had as high as twenty aircraft in the squadron , that according to the er roster that you were only supposed to have twelve , but er nobody seemed to say anything about it and we did n't get any extra men , but there was at least six or seven men doing the work of master sergeants getting paid for , getting buck sergeant and staff sergeant pay for which I 'm very grateful .
3 Themes are a splendid way of giving exhibitors a bias ; it challenges them to put on their thinking caps and at times they can find material with only a subtle connection .
4 She said the immense pressure she had been under took its toll and at times she was so emotionally and physically exhausted she was ‘ just hanging on by my fingernails ’ .
5 They may hold these views about perception because of views they hold about our nature and the nature of the things we look at .
6 I do n't want my son to grow up to be a sexual pervert because of lessons he 's learned at school .
7 ‘ I have done so much with Middlesbrough that at times I think it might be nice to go elsewhere and start afresh .
8 The corrugations of the track were half-filled with grit so that the wheel lost momentum in each hollow and at times I thought of myself as an engine-driver , pushing my train back to the station , always careful not to trip over the sleepers .
9 ‘ We had a band chat and for ages we were saying we should not do merchandising at all , because it is a sign that you are a really big band and that you are trying to cash in .
10 But Michael Foot was a formidable orator and on occasions he could coin a phrase which captured the mood perfectly .
11 The car swung off the Corniche and within minutes we arrived .
12 Yeah , I mean , obviously erm , I think we originally moved back from Thursdays to Wednesdays because on Thursdays I think erm
13 On the question whether on merits it would be desirable to abolish capital punishment Ministers were divided .
14 The war made severe inroads into his livelihood and at times he would be forced onto the hills to join the gangs doing the walling , but he hated being away from his family and they too suffered from the separation and besides the wages were not enough for all seven of them .
15 comparison of subjects within groups and between groups I thought that 's
16 In some places you get fans banging on the top of the dug-out and at others they lean forward and actually shout into managers ' faces .
17 Unlike many recusant families the Talbots had managed to retain most of their landed estates and for centuries they were the most important landowners in the midlands .
18 The point that in dreams we see things ‘ as existing at a great distance ’ indicates that this objection can be answered , but he acknowledges that some explanation is needed .
19 Participation and prototyping could be used independently in some applications and in others it may be appropriate to use the conventional approach modified by incorporating these tools and techniques .
20 It is true that an inability to legislate upon certain matters might render a constitution prone to crisis but on others it would be far from necessarily fatal and at least one judge , in a common law country , has recently acceded to the proposition that he might be prepared to disavow the power of the otherwise unlimited New Zealand Parliament to enact law providing , for example , for human torture .
21 Last summer , he and fellow Teesside Polytechnic student Paul Kuiken , 19 , were prevented by police from becoming the first to canoe over the 72-ft High Force waterfall in Teesdale because of fears they would be killed .
22 LOYALIST prisoners have been banned from wearing Remembrance Day poppies inside a top-security jail because of fears it could provoke republican violence , the Northern Ireland High Court heard today .
23 It 's an advantage but with cars it 's not really a problem so
24 I made my statement because , against the criticism that on occasions we have not made statements on incidents in Great Britain , I believed it important that there should be one .
25 Since the strength of feeling by the Norfolk members Chairman only became really apparent in the last two dates and the wires of telephones were hot yesterday with a conversation between myself and others north of the border and since discussions we held yesterday with representatives of the Department of Transport in Bedford indicates a solution to suit all interests to make it achievable .
26 Judging by surveys and by convictions they are largely white , urban , unskilled school-leavers ln their teens .
27 That is why it is wholly inadequate to describe drama as " learning through action " — in drama we learn through thinking in new ways about actions and about decisions we would not otherwise have the opportunity to take .
28 ‘ You can only dictate the game if you 're getting quality ball but at stages we were relying on scraps . ’
29 ‘ You can only dictate the game if you 're getting quality ball but at stages we were relying on scraps . ’
30 Several others , however , including one individual who testified that he had suffered discriminatory treatment from his employers because of views he had expressed in public about the political situation , requested that their names be withheld from the final report , because they felt that their jobs and perhaps even their very lives would be at risk .
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