Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is suited to large multi-divisional firms producing a wide range of products and/or operating across several countries .
2 The actual size of the rise or fall for any given value for t will depend upon the variances of the aggregate and relative demand shocks .
3 The haulage contract was made on Smith & Jones standard form contract terms , endorsed with a special clause that in the event of any damage or delay to any of the goods , total payment would be suspended pending a satisfactory explanation as to damage or delay being received from GFT .
4 An expert can be liable in contract or tort to both the parties who have referred an issue to him for decision : see 14.514.11 .
5 The DC may be passed back ( after further modification or after submitting the DC for assessment ) to the original user or passed onto another LIFESPAN user .
6 A further 35% of the students either failed at the final examination , failed at some stage of the course or withdrew for some reason .
7 This is usually accomplished by calling the maker to identify his signature , handwriting or confirm in some other way that he created the document .
8 In these weavers the importance and complexity of the nest seems to have focused co-operative behaviour in this area but it will be interesting to see whether further research shows an extension of the behaviour to incubation or rearing in any of them .
9 He stepped forward and retreated at the little garden gate as though rebuffed by some force field or buffeted by some invisible gale which had no effect on the branches of the little trees and evergreens in the front gardens of the cottages .
10 In the strictness of my own father 's wisdom , he instilled into me a deep respect for the opposite sex , so that there was no physical play or caress with any women until after I had married my wife .
11 Laughton and his board have put faith in the players and they must repay that faith or look for another club .
12 They are also given power to vote on fundamental structural changes to the company , such as altering the memorandum and articles of association or merging with another company or dissolving the enterprise which are thought to resemble constitutional issues .
13 I mean by this it was not the sort of preparation which on the one hand Elizabethan erm critics and writers of rhetoric books , or on the other hand Ezra Pound in the twentieth century would advise to the poet that he must learn to turn a good sonnet or write in all the metrical forms , or accomplish himself deftly in the technical devices .
14 Worse for them , whether they go on backing Mr Gorbachev or opt for some other tough guy , the rattle of gunfire has not had the intended effect .
15 It was not clear whether the robber ever got out of the car or escaped with any of their valuables .
16 Whether you have to make urgent repairs to your car or pay for that holiday you 've been saving for , you can get money out of your account without giving us any notice at all — and you wo n't lost any interest .
17 Those planning to enter public relations in the future will not be able to offer superficial solutions or thinking to any client .
18 But there was no suspicious heap lying grounded in the shallows , no flotsam or jetsam at all .
19 This compact volume offers great flexibility and whether used as the basis for a year 's study or recommended for some last minute cramming , the student will derive benefit from it .
20 The ones who leave to go to college or to live in some kind of hostel attached to a place of work , will eventually be embraced into an active social life by their peers .
21 The pickup is a bridge-mounted active piezo type , controlled by a 3-band EQ , with treble , mid and bass sliders providing a considerable amount of cut or boost to each frequency .
22 I suppose I could have settled eventually to general practice or applied to any of the hospitals .
23 How , for example , could an outsider know that normative consensus in the speech community does not permit backing in velar environments or fronting in most other environments , or that sonorants followed by voiceless obstruents predict a front vowel ?
24 This skin condition , caused by a large ‘ pox ’ virus , has been thought over the years to be restricted to children living in crowded , closed communities and adults who attend Turkish baths or indulge in all-in wrestling .
25 Christmas time , when party-giving is on the whole overdone , may make the social aridity of the rest of the year seem almost attractive , but this exhausting seasonal overswill also points up the ordinary isolation that obtains for most of us nowadays .
26 The rhythm that persists in such constant routines must be caused internally and it is produced by the body clock .
27 The internal cause of the rhythm can be established in the normal manner — by making the intake of food and water , the posture , and environment of the volunteers constant through the 24 hours ( see Fig. 1.3 ) The rhythm that persists in these circumstances indicates that the effect of the body clock and the difference from the normal rhythm is due to external causes .
28 Animals that fall into this general category include many territorial fish , such as the river bullhead , many reptiles , especially snakes , a few birds , such as the ruff , and many mammals , such as bears , pandas and raccoons .
29 Various animals that hunted in this country , foxes , in some places deer , hares are coursed er in some places .
30 Contained within the breccias are the fossilized bones of many animals that lived in this part of Britain during the middle Pleistocene , and we will be describing the way in which the fossil bones of the smaller animals came to be deposited .
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