Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [prep] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Upon checking our records , we were disappointed to note that you have not renewed your standing entry that finished on 2nd June 1990 .
2 They have set up a special stand at the exhibition , which began on Tuesday and runs until next Saturday .
3 Gustavsson made the leading group 1.5km from the finish and went on to outsprint Blyth and Rohr for first place , a brilliant recovery from a dismal start .
4 The conclusions , headed " SUBJECT : Definition of Russian Nationals " , were summarised in the form of an order , signed by Brig Low with distribution to all units and copied to Eighth Army , and we shall refer to this as the " 21 May Definition Order " .
5 Meanwhile , England women also finished their team event with a splendid 3–0 win against Hungary and finished in fifth position , four places up on the last European Championships in Gothenburg .
6 The mushrooms I have already mentioned but in addition and all for free were blackberries , elderberries , crab apples , bullaces ( the original plum — rather like a damson but sweeter ) , hazelnuts ( if we could outwit the squirrels and get in first ) , bilberries and sloes .
7 YOU do n't have to watch a free-kick for a pantomime as suggested in last week 's column .
8 There may prove to be less difference between some modern versions of Christianity and Buddhism and psychoanalysis than appears at first sight .
9 In the event , wiser counsels prevailed ; the proposals that had emerged by the summer of 1989 from the subject working parties and the National Curriculum Council were far from being the national syllabuses that had at first seemed likely .
10 Anyway , that meant that the whole thing was top secret , because they did n't want to risk any leaks in case somebody followed up the work and got in first with a patent . ’
11 Most railways printed a range of tickets for servants entitled ‘ to privilege third class travel ’ , which had quite heavy usage , but servants in higher grades without ‘ All Stations ’ passes and entitled to First Class travel must have been very few .
12 It was sent to her home and came at last to her family .
13 Pennett owes his chance at Trent Bridge to Notts batsman Paul Johnson , who was impressed by his bowling in the Headingley nets while preparing for last winter 's England ‘ A ’ tour .
14 Lion Cavern came from last in a race run at a slow early pace , to get up in the finalstrides and score by a head from long-time leader River Falls , with Swing Low a further length away third , and Rodrigo de Triano failing to run on in the final furlong and weakening for fourth .
15 At a rally orchestrated by a housewife and inspired by last weekend 's IRA bombing in Warrington , a series of speakers echoed pleas for an end to more than two decades of terror .
16 In a closely contested competition , ably refereed by Windscale 's superfit Keith Birkett , Windscale emerged victorious with two wins and a draw , with Winfrith coming second , followed by Harwell and Dounreay in third and fourth places respectively .
17 This is a much more debatable — and debated — point than appears at first sight .
18 In the forests of the Mesozoic there were large numbers of trees and shrubby plants that looked at first glance like palm trees , with leafless stems crowned with bouquets of stiff , large leaves , deeply divided into long , unbranched leaflets .
19 The environmental crisis will , he says , require an increase in the flow of resources to the Third World , debt relief , fair pricing of commodities , land reform and help for Third World food producers in the form of a phasing-out of subsidies to agriculture in the developed nations .
20 Palace had an excellent second half to the season , climbed out of danger and finished in 11th place .
21 Weissman carried on courageously with a complex but fascinating lecture on RNA splicing , ignoring the loud hubbub and intermittent squawks from his own microphone , and pausing often to wait out an eruption of roars and whistles from next door .
22 I have been taking Woodworker now for some 10 years and have at last been inspired to write a letter replying to that of David Thomas in the December issue .
23 But he believes that if Mike Teague can make an England comeback while playing for Second Division Moseley , why should n't he ?
24 THE PRICE of Royal Enclosure tickets at this year 's Royal Tournament is £23.00 and not £22.00 as printed in last month 's Wavelength .
25 The sediment at the bottom of the sea permits nuclear waste to leak out at the rate of 1 metre per 10000 years not 10 years as appeared in last week 's article ( Technology , 17 February , p 442 ) .
26 However , as the torchlight danced ahead she gradually lost the worst of the fears that had at first threatened to turn her into a quivering jelly .
27 THE back office problems that led to last month 's suspension of Dumenil unit trusts were identified six months ago in a document that put the group up for sale .
28 THE back office problems that lead to last month 's supension of Dumenil unit trusts were identified six months ago in a document that put the group up for sale .
29 He finds it difficult to describe his feelings and says at first ‘ I just walked out . ’
30 Tennis Courts The Compulsory Purchase Order was approved by the Council on 17th October and made on 31st October .
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