Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [v-ing] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in 1983 it was said that ‘ even where the husband had been violent , it would be reasonable for the wife to continue to reside in the matrimonial home but to seek a court order restraining his violence or barring him from the home ’ and in these circumstances the authority 's duty would be ‘ to advise the applicant so to do , not to accommodate her as a homeless person ’ .
2 ‘ in the felonious taking of money or goods of any value from the person of another , or in his presence , against his will , by violence or putting him in fear .
3 ‘ Socrates was the first man who thought about thinking , ’ she said , sitting on the window seat and surprising him in every way .
4 Not with the shaft of a golf club driven through his neck and pinning him to the wooden floor .
5 ‘ I had heard about Smailovic and his Sarajevan Opera String Quartet some time ago and had the idea of offering him support by writing a piece and joining him in one of his concerts at the front line . ’
6 Then Pettit took a photograph and , he claimed , Enos attacked him — throwing him over a fence and punching him in a headlock .
7 Absolutely , ’ he said , hooking an arm around the man 's shoulders and leading him from the porch .
8 Nicholson reached across the desk , grabbing Hugo by the lapels and pulling him towards him .
9 Knowing how the crowd was on Tony 's side and treating him as the hero only seemed to make Lee more determined .
10 Each combatant aims to floor his opponent , by knocking him off his feet or biting him behind the elbow .
11 Is the Prime Minister aware that in the year since he took office Scottish dole queues have lengthened by a further 28,000 , leaving almost 250,000 Scots without work and leaving him with an even worse record than his predecessor , the former first lady of mass unemployment ?
12 ‘ Well … we 're hardly strangers any more , are we ? ’ she demanded , thrusting her hands into her pockets and eyeing him with a trace of annoyance .
13 The 30-year-old victim was using a public lavatory in Leyton , east London , shortly before 6am when the two men struck , pushing him into a cubicle and subjecting him to what Scotland Yard called a ‘ serious sexual assault ’ .
14 Fellow worker Hazel Goff , who has St John 's Ambulance training , then administered first aid , cutting away Mr Chittenden 's burnt clothing and sponging him with water .
15 Taking an iron-clad hero and facing him with some massive task will not produce that air of almost unbearable suspense you should be looking for .
16 He held both of them for a moment before turning to Ian and presenting him with a sword drawn from its scabbard .
17 Then , the flop brought , giving Jacobs two pairs and boosting him to a heady 4.96–1 advantage .
18 Accepting his teaching and following him as a disciple means to live in that kingdom now .
19 However jewel-like the good will may be in its own right , there is a morally significant difference between rescuing someone from a burning building and dropping him from a twelfth storey window while trying to rescue him .
20 The wounded bird plummeted to earth like a dive-bomber , its beak piercing G. F. Westerby 's chest and pinning him to the ground .
21 By the final scene , however , we infer his dislike of McKendrick from the fact that having seriously impinged on his negative face by placing Hollar 's thesis in his briefcase and putting him into a situation of considerable personal danger , he makes no apology for his action whatsoever .
22 This session is the cause of much joshing in the Right Said Fred camp , him saying how he 'd make sure he had a hot shower first and primed himself for action if he did it again , his partners enjoying wiggling their little fingers at any opportunity and ribbing him for his perceived shortcomings .
23 The Race Relations Act 1976 makes it illegal for an LEA or governors to discriminate on the grounds of colour , race , ethnic or national origins or nationality against a pupil — ‘ by excluding him from the establishment or subjecting him to any other detriment ’ ( section 17(c) ( ii ) ) .
24 The Doctor ran for cover , grabbing the poet 's sleeve and pulling him to the side .
25 Last December they were instrumental in getting rid of Mr Gaidar and replacing him with one of those industrialists .
26 She might have made her point a lot better by picking up Mouse and dumping him in the garbage can — instead she responded with violence that was really out of proportion to Mouse 's attack .
27 Driving back to Aubagne , Alex told me how the rest of them had spent the day throwing grapes at the old German and accusing him of being in the SS .
28 The prosecution say that following an armed robbery at a building society near Gloucester in 1988 White had been due to give evidence against Gardiner and implicating him in the crime .
29 Sheriff Michael Munro imposed bail conditions forbidding Cowans from going within half a mile of the Timex factory at Harrison Road and preventing him from approaching anyone known or believed by him to be member of the new Timex workforce .
30 The local emphasis more often needs to be on the candidate , getting his name , face , personality and position known in the community and introducing him to key groups of people .
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