Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb base] off the " in BNC.

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1 Oysters , gentlemen — I 'll provide the oysters , and it 'll be the oysters that pay off the overdraft . "
2 Fine to medium paintbrushes are useful for moving flowers and leaves around , and for brushing hairs and fluff off the design once you have finished it .
3 Then you go over the seat and hang off the inside , but you still keep a lot of weight on that outside peg and you put on some more if the tyre starts really sliding . ’
4 On hearing the Cherokee 's electric fuel pump still operating the instructor asked the Cherokee pilot to return to his aircraft and turn off the fuel cock and battery master switch .
5 In the kitchen , a major contribution to safety is carefulness when using fat for cooking purposes ; if it ignites , the most effective way of controlling the blaze is to cover the pan with a lid or metal tray and turn off the heat supply to the cooking apparatus .
6 Their publications would do credit to any university : Libertarian Conflicts in Social Choice , by UBS Phillips & Drew 's John Wriglesworth , The Role of Crack Resistance Parameters in Polymer Wear , by Williams de Broe 's Mustapha Omar and Stellar Winds ( which might conceivably be a volume of poetry ) by Robert Fleming 's Martin Murch are just a few of the titles that leap off the page .
7 Some systems will drain the machine and switch off the water supply if there is an internal leak .
8 Or , if you can get a lower rate of interest , you could re-mortgage , ie , take out a larger loan with a new lender and pay off the old mortgage .
9 It was something that Harriet had particularly noticed and which made her both angry yet hopeful : angry that her daughter could not or would not always behave in such a way and hopeful that perhaps some day Liza would come to her senses and throw off the mask of invalidism behind which Harriet felt sure she was hiding .
10 Five minutes treatment in a fresh water bath ( N.B. this must be dechlorinated , well-aerated and adjusted to within 0.2 pH units of the aquarium water using pH adjuster or sodium bicarbonate and an accurate pH kit/meter ) will cause the flukes to release their hold and drop off the fish .
11 Ask for brown-bread toast and leave off the butter !
12 At the time of Cats , for example , there were lots of offers to turn that into a film , but his instinct was to keep it as a musical play and hold off the film offers .
13 The first is an art board which comes with a design printed on it — all you have to do is place your garment over the top of the board and trace off the design before painting it .
14 Dip a quarter-of-an-inch of the rooting end into hormone rooting powder and tap off the excess .
15 ( b ) Half fill the basket with soil/compost and trim off the excess hessian .
16 Push up your shirt and take off the iron chain . ’
17 The trouble with Quassia ( Letters , November 7 ) is that the extract is unstable , so you need to boil the dry chips for two hours and strain off the liquid each time you need to use it .
18 OLDHAM boss Joe Royle is backing his old Norwich City pals to stay the course and pull off the first Premier League title .
19 The first thing that Daniel did when he came back into the room was to remove the record and switch off the gramophone .
20 Remove the platter from the steamer and pour off the liquid .
21 Mr Bush turned to attacks in a last bid to keep his job and pull off the political upset of the century and ripped into ‘ the slippery one ’ as a man who can not be trusted during a hectic five-state blitz to shore up his support .
22 Cut the top centimetre from a carrot and trim off the old leaves .
23 Remove the slide and the coverslip and rinse off the staining mixture using de-ionized water .
24 She loved him so very much that if he suggested they take hands and spurt to the cliff-edge and plunge off the edge together like lovesick lemmings she would do it .
25 If a villager migrates to Bombay and makes a living as a hawker , he probably has to bribe a cop to stay in business and pay off the local mafia don .
26 Auxiliary shipping was not unlikely , to carry reinforcements and food and extra weapons and take off the wounded .
27 His own trade included the quick memorising of landscape and cityscape and at one corner there was an L-shaped alley that cut off the building on the corner itself giving an alternative route to making a left turn on the streets .
28 • Use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk rather than full-fat milk ; • Use cream less often on desserts and not at all in cooking ; • Have only three or four eggs a week ; • Buy more yogurt and less hard cheese ; • Eat less red meat and trim off the visible fat ; • Eat fewer fatty meat products such as sausages , meat pies , and burgers ; • Cut down on fatty snacks such as crisps ; • Use less pastry in cooking and buy fewer foods that incorporate pastry ; • Use less fat in cooking ; • If you are having a take-away meal such as fish and chips , leave some of the smaller , fattier chips usually found at the bottom of the bag .
29 Their single-minded preoccupation , you see , is to hang on to their present decade and hold off the Rubicon-crossing birthday beyond which grandmotherhood and whiskered chins threaten to throttle the last vestiges of good-time glamour .
30 Then we run tepid water and wash off the dried blood .
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