Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb base] [pn reflx] on " in BNC.

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1 They jerk from side to side and rub themselves on the plants , but there is no redness or inflammation of the gills .
2 But you can use your imagination and take yourself on the fantasy voyage of your choice .
3 But however unpleasant monsoonal conditions can on occasion be , they are as nothing compared with the fearsome storms that hurl themselves on the Pacific with terrible regularity .
4 The worst thing you can do is set these things and then cock it up because secretaries is people that pride themselves on being administratively perfect
5 If the company has cashed your cheque and not dispatched the goods , but has gone into liquidation , then your best bet is to call the official liquidators and get yourself on the list of creditors .
6 If the company has cashed your cheque and not despatched the goods , but has gone into liquidation , then your best bet is to call the official liquidators and get yourself on the list of creditors .
7 The Orkneys and Shetland also have a long history of independence in local government terms and pride themselves on their Scandinavian roots and their distinctiveness from Scotland .
8 He 'd hoped that it meant no more than that she was growing up and had become aware of herself as a young woman ; that as a consequence it was not quite the done thing for her to rush across a room and hug him like a kid sister , or trip him up in the haybarn and fling herself on top of him like a puppy spoiling for a game .
9 Simon had put Ben onto his lead so that he did n't run back down to the beach and cut himself on the rusty barbed wire .
10 Drivers are noted egotists and pride themselves on being hard men who are in a given place to race and the devil take the hindmost .
11 However , God Himself dealt with that barrier when God the Son , Jesus Christ , came to earth and sacrifice Himself on the Cross of Calvary to pay the penalty for the sins of others .
12 He was indeed fortunate in his local friends who recognised his ‘ propensity to Botanicks ’ ( Benjamin Franklin , Pennsylvania Gazette , 1742 ) , encouraged expeditions and subscribed ‘ to induce him and enable him wholly to spend his time and exert himself on these employments ’ .
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