Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adv] give [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mums who struggle for 12 hours or more to give birth look with envy on those lucky women who have short labours of two to three hours .
2 It is gratifying to know that the industry that once gave employment to many hundreds of the local population , is still able to flourish in small pockets .
3 For individuals requiring income , an investment in convertibles can bring a higher return than an investment in equities and still give scope for some capital appreciation .
4 The former included the North-West regional diploma in special needs , the first example of a course developed in total partnership between a university and a polytechnic which allowed students to take modules from either institution and also gave credit recognition to specific Open University and LEA courses .
5 Within an hour hundreds of spadefoot males were bobbing like so many light balloons on the pool 's surface , each every second or less giving voice to a single loud ‘ Wah ! ’ .
6 Most of York 's old central pubs have fallen victim to drastic recent remodelling with yawning spaces , often indistinguishable from one pub to another , replacing the old rooms and idiosyncratic nooks and corners that previously gave individuality and preserved genuine historic character .
7 The increasingly urgent political situation at home and abroad gave Marxism an appropriate context .
8 In most respects , it was a real parliament and often gave government ministers , collectively and individually , a hard time ( Schneider , 1990 , pp. 30–9 ; Smith , 1992 , pp. 132–6 ) .
9 The insults or stresses which cause the imbalances and so give rise to disease can be of two types :
10 He added : ‘ If Ian Lang is telling the truth in saying there is nothing political about the Government 's proposals then there is now good reason to think seriously about cancelling the reorganisation and instead giving consideration to setting up an independent commission . ’
11 Owers played his first full game for three months in the derby win over Middlesbrough and then gave boss Malcolm Crosby a welcome cup final headache .
12 Exercise stimulates blood flow to the skin and so gives rise to a healthy appearance .
13 At first it was filled with gases that modern organisms would find highly toxic , such as ammonia and possibly hydrogen cyanide — though these are the gases that probably gave rise to organic life .
14 I shall warm to my theme and then give way to the hon. Gentleman .
15 Team spirit was much in evidence though , with the fitter people helping the strugglers and always giving encouragement .
16 Symbol is part of the language of drama : " The way in which the teacher draws attention to the symbol ( gesture , word , object etc. ) generates a collective meaning and also gives time and opportunity for the participant to endow that symbol with his or her individual meaning . "
17 Her life must have been hard for she not only produced ten children , one of whom died in infancy but also gave birth to my mother when in her forty-fifth year .
18 But it is damage wrought on the international competitiveness of American firms that really gives pause for thought .
19 Moments of structural crisis in a nation state are harbingers of revolution and inevitably give rise to the necessary social and political climate for the production of revolutionary literature .
20 The debate over the classification of the duck-billed platypus — which lays eggs but also gives milk — arose out of this issue , with the serialists trying to use it as a link between the reptiles and the mammals .
21 People who are supposed to give service but instead give cheek , insolence , surliness , non co-operation , stupidity and render sourness , not service .
22 At the Sollum Voe anchorage this 145 tons of sea water was pumped out and the ships patched up , causing a day 's delay but also giving time for Christmas dinner and a night 's sleep with everyone fully recovered from sea sickness , a malady with no respect for rank or courage .
23 Where are they now corner … in the wake of the current ORANGE JUICE resurgence , we hear that former bassist DAVE MCCLYMONT is currently employed making rice balls in an ethnic restaurant of some description in Sydney , while MALCOLM ROSS works in a hospital shop in Southend selling bottles of Lucozade to visiting relatives but still gives guitar lessons in the evenings .
24 This creates opportunities for accountants to act as experts , preparing a report on the subject of the suit or prosecution and possibly giving evidence in court as an expert witness .
25 When the pope nevertheless steadfastly refused to give way , Henry intensified his attack on the church ; in the summer of 1530 he issued a charge of praemunire against fifteen clerics , including the four bishops who had supported Catherine , on the grounds that they had aided Wolsey in the exercise of his legatine authority and thereby given support to papal jurisdiction within his realm .
26 An award for helping to improve the environment and simultaneously giving support to a local hospice , has been presented to Stoddard Carpets Ltd .
27 It is the notion of a norm that perhaps gives rise to the central representation problem .
28 They are , as I have emphasized , highly organized political formations , which tend to develop a life of their own , to some extent independent of the social interests that originally gave rise to them and of their changing environment , and may acquire the character ( or at least the appearance ) of permanent elements in the political system .
29 As such , the ethnic minorities represent a major demographic strength for parts of urban Britain , though at the same time their presence may have hastened the exodus of better-off whites and certainly gives rise to a very difficult set of policy issues ( Chapter 8 ) .
30 Back beyond the Oligocene there is evidence only of archaeocetes , the rather large ancestral toothed whales that apparently gave rise to both the Odontoceti and Mysticeti .
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