Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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31 Whitlock scrambled to his feet but by the time he reached the fence the gunman had already crossed the twenty-yard clearing and disappeared into a derelict warehouse .
32 It is possible to start off with just one or two tags which control the main typographic elements but by the time page numbers , headers , footers , indexes , etc have been added the list can get unwieldy .
33 The FTC is also regarded as being reluctant to pursue high-tech companies because by the time it is brought and the issues resolved , the market has moved on .
34 Certainly , employers were not propelled into joining associations since by the time they were required by legislation to bargain with unions US manufacturing was itself organised into sufficiently large company units for employers to be self-sufficient and not to require association bargaining ( Thomson , 1981 ) .
35 " I think I learnt a few things , " laughs Eva though at the time it must have been extremely painful for the girl who had " excelled at everything " .
36 She 's got lovely colour hair and by the time she 's bloody twenty one her hair will be a mess .
37 As foreseen by the dark clouds , it began to rain during the afternoon and by the time the headlights of Markby 's car illuminated the front windows of Rose Cottage , it was fairly tipping down .
38 She said : ‘ We had given up hope and by the time the precinct opened again we had all gone home . ’
39 a coincidence cos at the time I started taking them actually trying to spare my branch work in a bank .
40 But he was made of stern stuff Seizing his hammer he begin to bang away with undiminished enthusiasm and by the time the beasts returned the crush was rebuilt and a stout iron bar pushed across the front to prevent further break-outs
41 The Norwegians choose a long ridge walk to go back to the camp and by the time they have arrived , Tony and I have decided to take the kayaks out on to the Ocean .
42 The words had come out in a babble and by the time he had gathered his wits and been able to respond she had put the phone down .
43 There was no sign of this Devil 's Ridge and by the time we reached the summit of Sgor an Iubhair I was imagining a knife edge of rock , hanging above an abyss full of red scaly demons , holding pitch forks and hissing to one another , ‘ She has n't got the security of a rope . ’
44 Hedgerows existed in Saxon times and by the time Domesday was commissioned in 1086 the boundaries of parishes were so firmly fixed that William 's Norman officials were able to calculate within close limits , the exact area of thousands of settlements and their capacity to contribute to the royal exchequer !
45 ‘ The doctor gave me a month 's course and by the time I had finished it , the spots had completely gone .
46 ‘ To be fair , Kitty told us you were listed as killed on the Marne and by the time anyone found out the truth it was too late . ’
47 A transfer of other real property , such as the holiday home to the wife , will give rise to a capital gains liability if at the time of the transfer , as is more than likely , the parties are separated in such circumstances as are likely to prove permanent or are separated under a court order ( see p16 ) ( see , for example , Aspden v Hildesley [ 1982 ] 1 WLR 264 where a transfer of property which had never been the husband 's main residence was made to the wife six years after the parties separated ) .
48 ( 6 ) Mark any point that at the time of perusing the abstracted deed does not appear clear to you by scoring the margin heavily against your note , or in any other manner that will catch your attention .
49 She looked like a refugee from one of those films that at the time constantly glamourized the Paris left bank — like Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face or Juliet Greco in so many roles .
50 But in the ensuing duet for Balstrode and Grimes , this motif gets so entangled with Grimes 's personal strife and obstinate nature that by the time the " Storm " interlude itself begins ( with a variant of the fugue subject ) we may genuinely wonder whether the hurricane is not as much an inward as an outward affair .
51 This practice of marking searches , requisitions , etc , should be an invariable one for three reasons : ( 1 ) it compels you to consider each question and reply before marking it ; ( 2 ) it will save your time in selecting answers that require further action , and will avoid your reading through the enquiries again later on to make sure that the replies to them are in order ; and ( 3 ) it is a permanent record that at the time of the transaction you not only made your search , etc , but duly considered and dealt with the replies .
52 Anger gave her the strength to pack her few belongings and by the time Ellen — red-eyed and in tears — came to say that the conveyance was at the door , there was no sign left that Ruth had ever inhabited the room .
53 He hung left to the rails and by the time Willie Carson was able to switch him , Declassified was beyond recall .
54 But the Glynns did n't actually come to live next to their shop until about the time Matthew got married .
55 She was coming home for three whole weeks and by the time she left for London again the exam results would be nearly due .
56 The trip took three weeks and by the time she arrived , South Georgia had been recaptured .
57 She paid no attention and by the time she carried the sleeping twins out into the yard , it was already getting dark .
58 Elsewhere the band choose what can only be called a hardcore bubblegum sound and by the time you get to the final furlong , this regularity means the fizz is starting to fade and you dearly want the guitars to twist and shout and sing .
59 Investigations came hot on the heels of the new sound and realistic films and by the time of The Public Enemy and Scarface things were building to a crescendo .
60 Unfortunately it is an extremely time-consuming process and at the time of the SEA much yet remained to be done before all the products that needed to be dealt with had in fact been covered .
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