Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You 'll have to have it up a little bit or the same thing 'll happen at
2 It does n't have to be from the same range , but the pieces should have something in common — such as being in the same or similar wood or style , having the same upholstery fabric or the same colour .
3 Having recently announced a new health warnings to be placed on packets in fulfilment of the EC Labelling Directive , the Secretary of State for Health , William Waldegrave , has now reportedly agreed with the tobacco industry that the same warnings will also be used on advertising .
4 And for every tyme that the same shalbe omytted the partie that shalbe in the fault there of shall forfett to the said Churche iiis. iiiid. to be employed on the reparation of the same Churche .
5 Further , it is the current practice of AIB , at any rate , to provide more detailed factual information to representatives of those seeking to establish a claim on condition that the same information is made available to all other parties to the action including , of course , the potential defendants .
6 There was initial improvement but now there is no response to the remedy and the same symptoms are still present .
7 He has such great familiarity with the keyboard that when it is hidden for him by a cloth spread over it , he plays on this cloth with the same speed and the same precision .
8 However , there are more significant problems in that the same kinds of organizations and the same kinds of services are often accounted for differently although they are all adopting budgetary accounting .
9 An analysis of the contractual relationship produces the same result and the same consequences .
10 Further south , the bus has another massive climb , 3,000 feet over the Takaka Hill and the same down .
11 Only one of the three identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
12 Only one of the identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
13 Only one of the identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
14 Liability will not be avoided simply because the system has a fault and the same principles apply here as in the case of conventional computer software .
15 However , our test formula shows that , given an equal number of constituency and of list seats , a party with an average of only 31.2% of the constituency vote and the same percentage of the list vote ( y ) would not have even one excess seat unless it won more than 62.4% ( x ) of the constituency seats .
16 It 's the same late '60s Jag and the same Twin that he had in 1980 when The Birthday Party first broke .
17 The same opposition of criticism and scholarship and the same demand that criticism should concern itself with specifically literary properties are the inspiration of two of the best-known theoretical products of the New Criticism , the essays on ‘ The intentional fallacy ’ and ‘ The affective fallacy ’ written jointly by Wimsatt and Beardsley and published in the Sewanee Review in 1946 and 1949 respectively ( now in Wimsatt 1958 : 1 — 39 ) .
18 Try to depart from your model trial just sufficiently to prevent counsel using the same speeches and the same questions to witnesses .
19 There are just two baths and the same solutions will process either film or paper in any order .
20 There are just two baths and the same solutions will process either film or paper in any order .
21 Ards have only themselves to blame ; Bustard 's 28th minute volley , which finished off Connell 's deep cross put them in command but the same player failed with two later chances and Connell 's rasping drive missed the target as well .
22 It is dangerous ( and forbidden to employees ) , but is you observe common-sense , stand firmly and hold the wood in same way each time , with all soft pink bits well away from the blade , you will not end up like the man in the story that the same Health and Safety Officer delighted in telling me .
23 Frequent sugary snacks do more damage to teeth than the same amount of sugar all in one go , so try to limit sugary foods to mealtimes .
24 This is the finding that the same kinds of factors responsible for increasing lexical accessibility of single words ( mainly in studies of word recognition , but also in some studies of production ) are also responsible for affecting word order in sentences .
25 And the London-based scientist said he believed it was more than a coincidence that the same colony seemed to have been affected by a second strain of the gizzard worm infection which killed 137 birds last year .
26 Clearly , listening to a Robert Johnson record now , in Britain , is very different from dancing to him playing live in a black bar in Mississippi in 1936 ; and there are probably consequential differences in the music itself , too ( for example , Johnson would at the very least be constrained by the time-limits imposed by the record form — as all musicians , even to some extent on LPs , are ; thus , in some ways a Duke Ellington concert , in a ‘ bourgeois ’ concert hall , using written parts , might turn out a more ‘ oral ’ experience than the same piece encapsulated on a twelve-inch record ) .
27 Not all people had exactly the same experiences or the same viewpoint .
28 It was formed by altering the topographical aspect of the land immediately north of the River Welland and the running figure of the Bull from east to west across the town is reminiscent of a Cretan bull cult fresco at the Palace of Minos at Knossos or the same period .
29 No two speakers of English ( or any other language ) have the entirely the same vocabulary or the same pronunciation .
30 In fact , Donaldson and Balfour , and nearly all the researchers who followed them , gave children questions with more on one occasion , and questions with less on another , so the two terms never appeared in the same session or the same block .
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