Example sentences of "[adv] well [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 An ambitious politician who is still well left of centre , the recession and the BCCI scandal have exercised his constituency skills in an area with many Asian businesmen .
32 With Thomas Sackville , Baron Buckhurst [ q.v. ] , as a cousin and constant support , perhaps even financially , Alford was ostensibly well placed for advancement , and he was able to secure election to borough seats in Lancashire , Cornwall , Berkshire , and Sussex so that he sat in nine of the thirteen parliamentary sessions of Elizabeth 's reign .
33 Empirical evidence suggests that erm migrants are reasonably well informed about employment prospects in urban areas .
34 And as Henley and Shiplake were stations easily accessible from London , a course in the Harpsden vicinity would be exceptionally well located for train travelling golfers .
35 We are exceptionally well equipped for research — equipment includes a fluorescence activated cell sorter ( FACS ) , a peptide synthesiser and excellent facilities for tissue culture , molecular biology and bio-computing as well as extensive animal accommodation .
36 The double-bill was also well received by TV critics in the more serious newspapers and magazines .
37 Biology graduates are also well qualified for employment in the newer biotechnology-based industries .
38 Hyacinth , now well advanced in hysteria , lay in state on the old striped pallet on which she slept , moaning through clenched teeth and clutching her belly .
39 ‘ the concentration on actual or ostensible authority being ‘ given to the husband to act on behalf of the bank ’ may not be a reliable way of applying the test now well established by authority , albeit … that the real question is whether the bank were content to leave it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature upon the charge .
40 ‘ Again , the concentration on actual or ostensible authority being ‘ given to the husband to act on behalf of the bank ’ may not be a reliable way of applying the test now well established by authority , albeit since this judgment was delivered , that the real question is whether the bank were content to leave it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature upon the charge .
41 The speech , billed as the most important address ever made by a Hong Kong governor , was mostly well received by community leaders , with criticisms focusing on its skimpy attention to important political issues .
42 Will he give an undertaking that he will make administrative arrangements that will equally well put into effect the entitlements that we seek in new clause 10 ?
43 Oil Mill was particularly well placed for transport , for it had easy access to the road , canal and railway , a special branch line running from the latter across a substantial iron bridge to the rear of the mill , allowing direct loading and unloading .
44 The thicker yarns give a fabric that is particularly well suited to winter wear for warm sweaters , jackets and ski wear .
45 Their long arms are particularly well adapted to life in trees .
46 It should be added ( see Appendix II ) that the discussion groups suggest that Asian borrowers may be particularly well informed about credit cost comparisons , while West Indian borrowers may be relatively badly informed .
47 Thanks to the Engineers School at Altdorf and the Artillery School at Nuln , the Empire army is particularly well equipped with war machines .
48 The consensus was overwhelming , but Shaughnessy could call none of his informants to the witness stand , even if they had been willing to testify , because almost everything they had told him — no matter how detailed and how well corroborated by information from other independent sources — would have been ruled out as inadmissible hearsay .
49 For this they were peculiarly well suited by reason of their durability , portability , uniformity and ease of recognition ; Cowries probably came into use as currency as early as the Shang dynasty .
50 The discussion groups ( made up of people who used or at least wanted to use credit ) suggest that while Asians may be relatively well informed about credit and particularly likely to use bank loans , West Indians are likely to use on-the-spot credit sources such as hire purchase .
51 Our main survey showed that at the moment credit card users are in general relatively well informed about credit , and also relatively rich and well educated .
52 Sadly , the last time I saw it , which was some years ago , it had pretty well faded beyond recognition .
53 Ricketts , too , pitched his types into the Thames when the Vale Press closed in 1904 ; and , fortunately for the river which , as Alan Thomas observed , must have been pretty well clogged with type , Lucien Pissarro chose the English Channel for the Eragny equipment .
54 Instead , Willis found that his lads were very well prepared for work in factories where they could use the same ‘ survival ’ techniques as they had learned at school .
55 Edinburgh is very well endowed with library resources for associated research .
56 Those with closely involved spouses or other relatives were all very well supported at home .
57 North Shields is very well placed in relation to the North Sea grounds .
58 The obvious piece , Schubert 's Quartetsatz is missing , but that is very well covered on record already , and most of these little charmers are neglected on disc , even Hugo Wolf 's deliciously sparkling Italian Serenade .
59 We we 're we are market leaders in that we are very well known by estate er estate agent companies and er and of course er advertisers .
60 Apart from this , however , there is no doubt that primates are very well adapted for tool using because their hands are so well ‘ designed ’ for grasping objects .
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