Example sentences of "[adv] have [to-vb] [art] new " in BNC.

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1 The council does not have to consider a new application within two years , unless it differs substantially from the original .
2 The company reckons it has a major advantage over its competitors because it does not have to develop a new product for each market — it simply adds a local user interface , which also cuts down on development and maintenance costs .
3 The ITV companies pay royalties only after sales , but they will soon have to negotiate a new deal .
4 The owners of the major-league clubs ( they have increased in number from 26 to 28 with the creation of the Florida Marlins and the Colorado Rockies ) will also have to conclude a new contract with the players ' union .
5 I shall now have to find a new Saturday morning job .
6 You do n't have to have a new baby to need someone to talk to and if that is the case , I can still find you a sympathetic ear .
7 Unless this ruling was overturned by a higher court , the state would either have to enact a new electoral law or would be forced to wait until 1994 ( the date upon which Heinz 's term would have been completed ) to elect a successor to Heinz .
8 Closer collaboration with the IMF , and fresh money , will almost certainly have to await a new government , due in March .
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