Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 St Patrick must greatly have simplified Irish thought , a turn for the better , when he introduced Christianity .
2 Bury and Stockport once more topped the list , with third place going to Bradford , an authority where the national attention paid to the city 's politics , and the polarising of political opinion on the ground , can only have increased electoral interest .
3 All new school buildings in northern China , where the weather is cold and bright , will henceforth have built-in solar energy installations .
4 In terms of sheer quantity the material and human help provided by Mussolini and Hitler — aircraft , tanks , armoured vehicles , small arms and ammunition , the 70–80,000 Italian ‘ volunteers ’ and the German Condor Legion with its own 600 aircraft and 200 tanks — may or may not have exceeded Soviet aid to the Republic .
5 The authors accept that the course may not have given adequate time to practical skills , but the participants ' inaccurate view of their own skills contributed to their lack of success .
6 No details on coherence of the supersecret X-ray laser demonstrated two years ago at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have been reported in public , but it seems that that device probably would not have generated coherent output for similar reasons
7 Hospitals in the eighteenth century may not have made national mortality worse ( Cherry 1980 ) , but they were too few to improve the national health .
8 It is beyond dispute that advances in medicine and improvements in living conditions have enabled individuals who at previous times would not have survived severe illness or chronic handicaps to live on , perhaps with some disability , into their seventh , eighth , and ninth decades .
9 And let me tell you , if you were to have come into our servants ' hall on any of those evenings , you would not have heard mere gossip ; more likely , you would have witnessed debates over the great affairs preoccupying our employers upstairs , or else over matters of import reported in the newspapers ; and of course , as fellow professionals from all walks of life are wont to do when gathered together , we could be found discussing every aspect of our vocation .
10 In the circumstances , the article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case ; it would not have impaired judicial authority or added much to the growing moral pressure on the manufacturers to settle the claim .
11 Finally , it is no use trying to escape by saying that ancient trade was not carried out by the nationals of ancient states but by non-citizens , so the Megarian decree can not have injured Megarian trade : the generalization about ancient trade should be corrected to read ‘ ancient Athenian trade ’ , which is what nearly all our information is about .
12 I would not think of him as evil , but he could not have felt real love for me .
13 There was no reason why the existing staff of the institutions concerned could not have produced academic development plans …
14 Among the western Saxons Ine may not have acquired royal power until the following year ; he abdicated in 726 and the West Saxon Genealogical Regnal List gives him a reign of thirty-seven years which implies an accession in 689 , not 688 .
15 Bolton may not have enjoyed outstanding success as an architect but he was greatly respected ; it was as a scholar that he excelled .
16 On the one hand , before the Fall man could not have enjoyed exhaustive certainty , for he was still bound by the limitations of his finiteness , though not of his sinfulness .
17 It must in the first place be said that women in the past were not for example doctors or politicians , so it is hardly surprising that they should not have held public office in the church .
18 The historian of these events believes that the CNAA may not have shown sufficient flexibility : ‘ if the same attitude as was adopted in the early 1970s by its new Chief Officer , Edwin Kerr , had been taken , amalgamation might have occurred sooner ’ .
19 However , a sympathetic and patient GP would not have required great imagination to point out the disparity between such claims by these women and their ability to perform family and household tasks based on the evidence of their behaviour .
20 More than one treaty is known to have been made with the Burgundians , although some may not have had imperial approval .
21 In the absence of such a general right many multilateral treaties have accession clauses to encourage wide participation ( especially from among States which may not have had treaty-making capacity at the time of the treaty 's conclusion ) .
22 ‘ In the early days of my partnership with Graeme Souness , the first-team squad might not have had sufficient strength in depth to have handled this kind of troubled build-up , ’ said Smith .
23 Legislators will not normally have had prior experience of governing , nor do they provide a government-in-waiting , as in the United Kingdom .
24 However , the company 's activities may already have done irreversible damage to the park , which has been identified as the second most important in the world for bird life , with 10 per cent of all species .
25 If it transpired that the intervention notice was not justified , and Lautro rescinded it , a press notice might already have caused substantial damage to the person affected .
26 Channel 4 says the show recognises its audience may already have left sexual theory behind and moved on to the practical side of the subject .
27 Doyle , for instance , thinks to himself a Scottish thought : ‘ Would his grandparents ever have had sexual activity in the parlour ? ’
28 There were many records of such manifestations , from reliable and intelligent observers , who had often described the curious incident before they could possibly have heard bad news from India or Australia , where at that moment a friend 's life was endangered .
29 In dismissing [ h ] -loss in the manner described , however , scholars may also have dismissed important evidence for the study of how linguistic changes are implemented and diffused .
30 However , developments in computer technology ( eg microcomputers linked to a larger central computer or networked micros ) may also have made decentralised management control easier and cheaper .
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