Example sentences of "[adv] into [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having looked gloomily into the windows of antique shops , and steered his way past lines of tipsy Tories , he returned to the Grand where a functionary manning the door noticed that he was not wearing a photo-pass .
2 It was n't fair , just or right for the Signora to come before the hour appointed ; she should have been admitted by Giovanna herself and the keys should have remained hanging on their appointed hook ; the other set being in the pocket of Giovanna 's overall from which she now drew them and held them up making it clear that they would be relinquished only upon her death and then only into the hands of Signor Kettering .
3 Down below , fires are being lit and the cattle are being driven gently into the enclosures of thorn bushes .
4 There is not space here to delve deeper into the reasons for the unusual profile of the Indian prison population as described above .
5 To demur would be to banish the woman still deeper into the wastes of her own loneliness .
6 And , strangely , the pain receded , replaced by the absolute intimacy and physical trust between them as the honeymoon took them deeper and deeper into the waters of sexual love .
7 Then he walked deeper into the trees as the twilight thickened around him and the stars began appearing among the branches over his head .
8 Yet lured they were , ever deeper into the toils of matter , and women with them too .
9 From this road it is possible to make small diversions down into the villages of Jardim do Mar and Paúl do Mar , although the roads in and out of them are more spectacular than the villages themselves .
10 Her heart in her mouth , Tabitha Jute followed the band down into the halls of JustSleep .
11 My friends who lived nearby were all envious for I was the only one who had ever been down into the depths of the mysterious cellar .
12 Wend your way down into the depths of the Underground these days , and you will find the walls alive with commissioned art , offering the traveller a glimpse of life above the station .
13 He stared down into the depths of the carp pool , as if seeking the certainty of the past , then shook his head .
14 Donna felt a twinge of sadness and stared down into the depths of her cup , picking up the spoon and stirring unnecessarily , watching the dark liquid drip from the plastic utensil .
15 The old man looked away ; stared down into the depths of the pool .
16 ‘ Now I come to think of it , ’ he said , easing himself down into the depths of his very easy chair , ‘ that Mrs Entwhistle from the corner said there was something about your dad in one of the Sunday papers , I do n't remember which . ’
17 Our beamy Bénéteau made a lot of noise as she slammed down into the troughs before climbing the next steep wave .
18 The basic solution is first to restrict the flow of water percolating down into the aquifers by planting trees , preferably native species , on the higher ground .
19 The lower side of the film is softened and , as the solvent evaporates , the film settles down into the irregularities of the etched face and produces the replica .
20 Winter cereals are slow to establish , and must be sown earlier : this is apparently because there is a tendency for stubble or killed turf to be pushed down into the slits with the seed where it can create anaerobic conditions leading to the formation of toxic substances such as acetic acid .
21 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
22 On one occasion a team of five men went down into the tunnels for which purpose they had to pass through the line of empty stabled cars .
23 He turned his head away , pressed forehead and eyes hard down into the covers of Fanny Hill .
24 The official justification is that in Bali the company could work with local performers and learn to ‘ shift our centres of gravity away from the head , down into the centres of our bodies ’ .
25 The method depended on pouring molten gold with a melting-point lower than that of the pieces to be joined together into the interstices between them : on cooling the separate parts would be found to have bonded together .
26 Will he now look personally into the cases of some other very obvious cases of severe injuries to service men , in particular those of Mark Booth and Andy Konalyck of the Parachute Regiment and Martin Ketterick of the Royal Marines ?
27 The belly was covered in long piercing spikes , and I was going to fall on them any minute , and thousands of spikes would plunge into me — puncture me , penetrate my flesh — and out would pour my life 's blood , red and sticky , all down my body and down the elephant 's body and streakily into the waters of the pond .
28 The lake of liquid peat had burst through into the workings beneath it and was deluging into the colliery .
29 This also , from an early time in the Middle Ages , fell largely into the hands of the Ecclesiastical Courts .
30 Luke strode along beside her , hands pushed easily into the pockets of the leather jacket he was wearing over jeans and a blue knit shirt that made his skin look even more tanned , his hair richly black .
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