Example sentences of "[adv] only in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When the signal for launching crusade finally did come to the Fists ' astropaths , Battle Brothers would depart in warpships from the jutting sword-deck — to return , perhaps years later in realspace time , as heroes … and some as cripples needing reconstruction by the experts in the Apothacarion … and others as honoured corpses , or perhaps only in the form of retrieved progenoid glands from which new Marines would be kindled .
2 In the nervous systems of arthropods , for example — including insects and crustacea — the head ganglion — the brain — may be important , but is so only in the sense of King John amongst the barons ; there are many other ganglia distributed throughout the arthropod body , each with a considerable degree of autonomy .
3 And teachers will try to ensure correct ‘ standard ’ English is spoken , not only in the class-room but in the playground and out of school , too .
4 These pages can be shown not only in the school library but also in the staffroom by setting up a microcomputer system in the staffroom and allowing staff to use either the interactive COMMUNITEL pages or by using new software packages .
5 But if every man here used his vote as he should and put a Labour government not only in the State of New South Wales but throughout the dominion , not only throughout the dominion but the Commonwealth , not only in the Commonwealth but throughout the world — ’ Bobby was enjoying himself now and so were most of his audience , standing under the afternoon sun. ’ — then the working man will have his true voice and he will make it heard in the corridors of power , for we will be the new power then — and we will use it for the greater good of all .
6 Baldwin rose briefly and magisterially : ‘ It is sufficient for me at the moment to say that every statement of fact and every implication of fact in that article is untrue , and in my opinion gravely injurious to the public interest , not only in the country but throughout the Empire . ’
7 We are , he observed , only too willing to make this sort of leap , and not only in the field of theology ( Hume was also very critical of what he saw as the pretensions of the science of his day to uncover the ‘ hidden springs ’ of things ) , but we need to be much more modest and cautious , to realise how limited the scope of our experience and knowledge is , and how liable our minds to go astray when they over-reach themselves and fish in waters too deep for their lines to plumb .
8 The old pattern of capital/resource/labour-intensive manufacturing is giving way to a more knowledge-intensive one , not only in the field of information technology , but in all forms of production .
9 The rise of the purity movement in the 1880s needs to be seen in relation to these medical defeats , for state medicine had lost the initiative not only in the field of sexual regulation but in many other areas of social intervention .
10 It was not only in the mission field that such hopes were cherished .
11 The lesson to be derived was one of moderation : " Not only in the exercise of political power should men of prominence be considerate towards those of low estate , but also in private life they should — if they are sensible — treat their slaves gently .
12 Remains of these first Italians , people who arrived over the land bridge from Africa ( as did the exotic animals ) have been found not only in the south , but also on the Lombardy Plain , near Verona .
13 Originally founded as an anti-negro secret society in the years after the Civil War , the Klan spread rapidly in the 1920s , not only in the South but also in mid- and far-West .
14 But the state of a country 's mental health lies not only in the fate of its hospital patients but also in the general condition of its people .
15 Yarrow is also a major employer , not only in the constituency of the hon. Gentleman but throughout the west of Scotland .
16 The official report says : ‘ Disinfection with CoastGuard proved effective at dramatically reducing coliform and streptococci [ the bacteria that link stomach and other illnesses with sea bathing ] , not only in the sewage outfall but also in the bathing waters . ’
17 Furthermore , treatment of rats with omeprazole leads to a decrease of somatostatin not only in the antrum but also in the fundic mucosa .
18 A more formal arena of decision-making was the King 's , or Queen 's , Council , a mutable and complex body , which dealt not only in the making of decisions but also in the dispatch of orders and the adjudication of disputes .
19 The clinical teacher is involved not only in the education of the learner and the care of the patient , but also in the maintenance of good relationships and communication between the ward and the school of nursing .
20 Constantius found them useful as informants and spies , not only in the Court , but also to send on special confidential or delicate missions .
21 They are creatures not only in the service of Walker 's spiritual symbolism , but also her creative ego .
22 The continued operation of the Anglo Irish Agreement is important — not only in the fight against terrorism , but also in maintaining consistently close links at every level between the UK and the Republic of Ireland .
23 On the ground when we look at services , your voters , your supporters and group not only in the budget .
24 This is done not only in the name of trade but also of aid .
25 Their Moorish ancestry was still visible , not only in the land but in the tilt of the head , the hard , sensuous lips , the quick glitter of their eyes , and she had to admit that Felipe de Santis was a prince among them .
26 There is general agreement that on all key measures there has been an enormous growth not only in the availability but also in the use of the mass media in the developed world over the last few decades .
27 If you are trying desperately to cover up your body , this will reflect not only in the way you dress but how you move .
28 Image is not only in the way you look but also in the way you speak and present your image verbally . ’
29 The article betrays a great deal , not only in the way it constructs its narrative , but in what it omits and suppresses .
30 The man stands like a kouros , left foot forward , but differs from one not only in the calf and the arms raised to hold it , but in having a beard and a cloak .
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