Example sentences of "[adv] only [prep] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Reading 's Adrian Williams was sent clear only to be dragged down by Thomas on the edge of the area in the 51st minute and referee Ron Groves immediately reached for the red card .
2 With modern microelectronic devices , however , automation is no longer only to be seen in factories that make identical goods in continuous streams , but is spreading to batch production .
3 And make no mistake , the rum ration is very important to a matelot ; not only to be sipped or gulped , but something to be used for bargaining or the repayment of a favour , or even bottled and taken home on leave .
4 A few of the players such as Jim McKeever and Phil Stuart reside in Belfast but all are expected to be in Dublin not only to be feted but to cheer on the present day Oak Leaf county heroes .
5 The decline in the position of history in many of our schools is signified by the fact that it failed not only to be ranked as a core subject in the National Curriculum reinstated under the Education Reform Act of 1988 but was struggling hard for its survival on the list of foundation subjects as schools in the early 1990s tried to pour the National Curriculum quart into the school timetable pint pot .
6 ‘ To promote closer union ’ means that it is , in the Council 's judgement , an acceptable means towards fuller unity in some circumstances , and not only to be seen as an expression of full unity already achieved .
7 However , the significance of the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians was not only to be seen in their effect on the Church , but also , according to Mrs Whitehouse , in their affinity with the secular intellectual elite which held sway in the 1960s :
8 But they are not only to be seen on the street but within the mind 's eye itself : the mental set has changed in the post-1960 years of unprecedented exposure to visual imagery .
9 Now it would seem that they are not only to be denied an increase , but also to be faced with a reduction .
10 The value of such study is clearly not only to be found in an increased familiarity with literary references .
11 Canonical traits are not only to be found in words denoting living things .
12 Above all , the extremely strong presumption against the legality of the use of nuclear weapons needs not only to be reaffirmed , but also made more specific .
13 They have been learning the in professional golf every shot counts and that in order to win , brilliance has not only to be attained , it has to be sustained .
14 He came closer still , and she backed away only to be halted in her tracks by the wooden fence behind her .
15 This is normally only to be found in very large orchestras , but is a regular member of the wind band and clarinet choir .
16 A MAN who fled to Australia to avoid a court appearance eleven years ago has come home only to be locked up .
17 She was big and busty and wore the sort of extravagant ‘ gowns ’ favoured by La Cogan in her prime , and now only to be glimpsed on BBC1 's ‘ Come Dancing ’ which Grunte proclaimed to be his favourite programme .
18 Men are the only animals to set store by discovering , acquiring and displaying materials comparatively rare in nature , frequently only to be obtained from distant sources and commonly useless for the purposes of daily life .
19 The cancer of the breast was hopelessly advanced and Young felt that it was the result of wearing fashionably tight dresses , ‘ very beautiful in a picture and there only to be admired
20 It was Allen who all but put United two-up when he went flying through again only to be bodychecked … he was too quick for Bristol and penalty taker Jim Magilton was too accurate …
21 Ceps , morels and other wild fungi were previously only to be found in specialist shops during the picking season ( from August to October ) .
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