Example sentences of "[adv] did not [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They obviously did n't want me , so I wo n't apply , ’ he said .
2 ‘ You obviously did n't realize I was separated from my husband ? ’
3 Emil quite rightly did n't trust me to clear dirty plates , which involved fancy juggling with knives and forks .
4 ‘ He just did n't love me enough , ’ Suzie wailed .
5 Yes , eventually I did put it down to your job , worried about Steve being so long away and anxious to tie up the contract , but there was a worse fear — that you just did n't love me enough to want to stay with me . ’
6 I just did n't think I would find enough to send in .
7 Or whether for some unknown reason she just did n't want me to go .
8 ‘ I say they just did n't notice me , ’ Darius says .
9 Tip — I think the world of Tip junior and I did the father ; they helped me a lot — just did n't realize I 'd come all the way over from Ireland by boat and by train up to St Andrews to carry Arnold 's bag .
10 ‘ You see , people just did n't trust me . ’
11 I always looked for the sounds ; whether it was musically correct or not did n't bother me , but it had to have a certain sound to it . ’
12 ‘ You deliberately did n't warn me where we were going , ’ she charged resentfully .
13 But it still did n't stop me having a perfectly valid opinion on the parlous state of contemporary kits .
14 I 've tried that chewing gum you get but it still did n't stop me .
15 I still did n't think I would die , but I had no idea how I was going to live .
16 I showed them my birth certificate , but they still did n't believe me .
17 It still did n't hit me that within hours we would have a baby : I vaguely felt I was immersed in some surreal soap-dream that constantly receded back into itself .
18 I waited and waited , but she still did not ring me .
19 They 've taken some very carefully set-up photographs with a big fucking camera and I suspect — from an aside or two they probably did n't expect me to understand — that these snaps will be the basis for some computer manipulation to see how well I fit the bill .
20 I decided it was unfair of me to say anything , and that if you wanted the trip so badly you probably did n't want me .
21 I was never given a choice because he clearly did n't want me .
22 ‘ They wanted a dramatic ending where I kill off the central character and they also did n't like me making fun of the audience .
23 And she gave me an indulgent look and she said , ‘ I 'm really sorry , the pictures made me feel tender feelings for you , but they just really did not arouse me . ’
24 Marriage misinterpreted his hesitation and said querulously : ‘ Dot really did n't tell me a thing , nothing .
25 I really did n't think I would win and did n't have a speech prepared .
26 There was not enough action and they were just too predictable , that they simply did not scare me but surely the point of a horror book is to scare you ?
27 I simply did n't know I had it in me !
28 And that she she looked shocked , you know , she did n't did n't know me like , and er , well she was shocked , and then I said I said , right well we 'll have to get together and sort something out about stopping with her , and Pete said straight away .
29 The chap here did n't give me a lot of hope .
30 That particularly did n't bother me it was the regime , the sudden change in the regime
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