Example sentences of "[adv] do not [vb infin] time " in BNC.

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1 I personally do not have time for delays in this operation , and my approach has been ratified at the highest levels .
2 What if one day you just do not have time ?
3 You just do n't get time to think .
4 He said cos I used to keep the house tidy he said I 've been the in the army June an he said I can I can run a household he said but we and then working the shifts I do he said and go up the horses and that he said I just do n't get time to do it !
5 What we 're trying to get the washing and ironing up together and the house work and everything is well you just do n't get time to do it .
6 That 's why I have a manager and people to do things for me , because some things I just do n't have time to do myself .
7 People find that they just do n't have time to get bored in a resort that has so much on offer .
8 ‘ I really do n't have time for this . ’
9 We really do n't have time for all the trenchcoat humour , the meaningless catchphrases , the phoney reminiscences , the lame gags about the trusty Smith and Wee Wee , the — ’
10 Now , I 'm a very busy man , and I really do n't have time to stand here listening to you any longer . ’
11 Small booksellers often do n't have time to see however many reps would be calling on them ; they would much rather put all their orders together and send them to Hammicks or to Heathcote or whoever ; we will work with them on that .
12 Only the truly virtuous strip their tack and clean it every time it 's used — the rest of us simply do n't have time .
13 While admirable in the E flat and C minor works , they surely do n't allow time for the exquisitely romantic Largo con espressione of Op. 1 No. 2 to sing its full tale of love and longing .
14 And I think that the time will come some point , when the voluntary sector will say , ‘ Well , we actually do n't have time to talk erm to carry on talking about what we 're doing and how we 're doing it .
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