Example sentences of "[adv] we [vb base] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 That made me realise how much we depend on the prison officers and the fantastic security systems that have been built up .
2 This way , if base rate goes down we gain on the floating rate — if base rate goes up , we 're protected on the fixed half . ’
3 So we get on the London and Birmingham route the vast cuttings at Tring ( two and a half miles long and at times nearly sixty feet deep ) and Roade ( one and a half miles long and nearly seventy feet deep ) , and the embankments at Boxmoor and Wolverton .
4 A hundred courses not one , like we do on the fully- fashioned but one hundred courses in one revolution .
5 Hence we concentrate on the user-catalogue interaction and on the interactive dialogue in particular with user and catalogue system inputs having equal importance .
6 For those who prefer the familiar punchcard machine , there have also been plenty of advances and now we report on the latest of them , the Brother KH864 .
7 Well we eat on the boat as well , pasta salad .
8 up and call me now A little music as well we have on the show we have a video from Elvis to give away in the second half of the programme and star guest this afternoon is Mary Whitehouse .
9 Today we stay on the bike route along the Hohenaurern to Neukirchen am Groussvenegiger ( the second highest mountain in Austria ) .
10 Well on er Monday we had some chocolate cake , yesterday we had scones cream and strawberry jam , and today we find on the desert trolley , just for you as a big treat , all this week at this time every single day on Trent F M , a little bit of something nice and naughty , but we do n't mind .
11 Here we embark on the next stage of our analysis .
12 Here we concentrate on the 55 miles which pass through Kent .
13 Here we focus on the first of these .
14 Here we focus on the interest rate mechanism .
15 Here we touch on the purpose of studying style , and hence on the nature of stylistics .
16 We play on the astroturf at Framlingham College when we can but sometimes we play on the community centre field .
17 No we only start from the Grand Place and then we sit on the there 's a big escarpment on the and then we sit there
18 And then we work on the back .
19 Then we report on the Group 's Drilling & Production Services activities in North America , which operate through Wood Group USA under the direction of Group director in Houston .
20 We have er six people taking telephone calls from members of the public , er these are enquiries about the latest in the Gulf er , the relatives in the Gulf , and then we have on the other side of the room , we have people who are handing out information that we have received to their relatives in this country .
21 Well — have you any suggestions about how we get on the machine ? ’
22 At its root is the premise that by more openly sharing with one another both our long-term strategies and how we operate on a day-to-day basis , we will actually be able to improve both our businesses . ’
23 At its root in the premise that by more openly sharing with one another both our long-term strategies and how we operate on a day-to-day basis , we will actually be able to improve both our businesses . ’
24 We will examine this mechanism in detail in Chapter 22 , when we focus on the balance of payments and exchange rates .
25 What do we feel when we describe to each other our LP collections of sixteen years ago , when we linger on the morose pleasures of vodka and lime , inept discos , French kissing , Watney 's Party-Seven beer , cheesecloth shirts , Budgie jackets , very long floral skirts , knee-length boots with zips in the side , army greatcoats , Mateus Rosé , and tank tops …
26 She-She : " If you give the fifty cash , then seventy-five on the card plus the credit supplement which is 15 per cent else we lose on the rental or we have a spa-cheque policy which works out the same minus the 15 per cent with a ten-dollar supplement .
27 So technology has advanced considerably , and what we 've done is to capitalise on the younger engineers and we 've introduced another phase called neighbourhood engineers and this is where we rely on the er goodwill of the firms to actually sa let their seconder engineers sometimes , but certainly let them out into the er into the schools careers convention work places to talk to the actual youngster itself .
28 Having said that , I am of course aware with more humility that ultimately we depend on the professional judgement , so generously given , of Mrs McNaughtan .
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