Example sentences of "[adv] as [v-ing] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Integrity is flouted not only in specific compromises of that character , however , but whenever a community enacts and enforces different laws each of which is coherent in itself , but which can not be defended together as expressing a coherent ranking of different principles of justice or fairness or procedural due process .
2 Section 22 reaffirms the notion that a partnership share is ordinarily to be seen as a proportion of the net distributable assets of the firm available for distribution at the end of the winding-up process and not as comprising a severable share in each of the partnership assets — though , as mentioned in Chapter 10 , the Revenue may take a different line .
3 Some see corporatism grandly as a total economic system distinct from capitalism and socialism ; some see corporatism as a particular kind of " state form " distinct from , say , parliamentarianism , where citizens participate in the determination of policies through the exercise of voting rights in relation to a parliament ; and still others see corporatism rather more modestly and fruitfully as connoting a particular system of interest-group politics and representation distinct from the pluralist system that we have just discussed .
4 Whereas in the past there have been various pressure groups setting themselves up as having a special reason for being heard thanks to their scientific credentials , perhaps the wisest comment on this came from the professor who , while urging scientists to make their voices heard , also urged them not to make any special claims to knowledge or understanding of the issues just because they were scientists .
5 ‘ We 'd only got as far as having a preliminary psyche dissection on Daine , ’ said Trefusis , ‘ but the Yggdrasil probes suggest he had a similar-although far more pronounced — set of personality deformities .
6 Eire is planning to use its forthcoming Presidency of the European Commission to press Britain to embark on a major upgrading of road and rail links between North Wales and the Channel Tunnel , and the Shadow Irish Transport Minister Gay Mitchell has gone as far as proposing an Irish Sea Tunnel to be constructed using Channel Tunnel equipment and an allegedly largely Irish Channel Tunnel workforce .
7 As well as organising a major international conference in the UK on 19–22 September 1989 on the theme of ‘ European Economic Integration ’ , the association plans to promote inter-institutional research networks and groups within Europe to develop and apply evolutionary ideas in regard to specific topics and areas of research .
8 We are looking for young economists to join this rapidly expanding company which specialises in regional and industrial forecasting and analysis , as well as undertaking a wide range of consultancy activities .
9 Lyons suggests that this x retains a pronominal element , as well as containing an adverbial element similar to here .
10 Talking of films , Meier is still working on his wild , underground epic , Snowball , as well as producing a new Hollywood movie called MM , about some lass called Marilyn Monroe .
11 The guitar has a fair amount of natural sustain and the three Chandler pickups emphasise this , as well as producing a warm tone with enough cut to sound through .
12 decommissioning our radioactive facilities and disposing of the waste cost-effectively , while meeting stringent safety and environmental requirements , as well as managing a small number of other government nuclear programmes which remain ;
13 Lighting can create atmosphere as well as fulfilling a practical purpose and in many dwellings the fluorescent strip has been replaced by more subtle means of ceiling and wall lighting .
14 As well as maintaining a good posture , women were expected to move with grace , which was the principal reason for dancing lessons A woman attempting to achieve this ideal of beauty needed to spend a great deal of money , and so labouring class women were automatically excluded , even if they were possessed of ‘ natural ’ beauty .
15 On the plus side , you will be saving on travel and other work-related expenses as well as enjoying a welcome reduction in tax .
16 The Republic , however , was on the defensive everywhere , and the relentless enemy onslaught on Madrid was draining its human , material and spiritual resources , as well as taking a heavy toll in political terms .
17 As well as taking a careful look at what lies beyond the marketing blurb , prospective purchasers need to be very sure of their requirements — before they even begin to consider whether any of the available systems can meet their needs .
18 In describing the various features of this academic essay-writing register , we have stressed that the style you adopt not only places your essay in an established , conventional idiom , but also creates a clear impression of you and your attitudes towards your subject matter , as well as defining a specific relationship with your reader .
19 It is now collaborating formally with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence as well as conducting a nationwide survey of medieval wall paintings in Britain in partnership with the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England .
20 You can learn about rackets and strings and save yourself a lot of money in future years as well as developing a new skill which will help your confidence .
21 The project was to be funded for one year with money from the Telethon Trust , which paid for the author 's post , that of development worker , as well as allowing a substantial budget ; the overall aim was to establish a leisure service for disabled people within the Northern Health Region .
22 They are very comfortable to wear and give excellent support to the arch of the foot , as well as allowing a better fit around the heel .
23 Her qualification comes at the end of a two year distance learning course , during which time Irene had to attend Robert Gordon 's University for five days every three months , complete and pass six modules as well as writing a 10,000 word research based dissertation .
24 The earlier call of music , now happily developing into ‘ teenage ’ forms and addressing their concerns for freedom and individuality , as well as evoking a certain resentment at the growing post-war materialism , was sweeping many along in its wake .
25 For example , to commemorate a wood anniversary , as well as using a wooden frame , you could make a collage with pressed pieces of bark from a variety of trees .
26 Of little significance in the inter-war period , her ideas developed a new lease of life , both in Britain and the USA , after the Second World War , because her rationally expressed anti-semitism and pseudo-academic version of world history proved influential in themselves , as well as providing a respectable cover for more extreme ideas .
27 As well as providing a worthwhile focus for study , business can enliven the process of education by offering hands-on opportunities , team work , enterprise and leadership situations .
28 This saving is used to acquire and manage a portfolio of assets which yields a sufficient return to pay pensions and insurance claims , as well as providing a working rate of return for the financial institution .
29 As well as providing a useful way of looking at people 's response to the Earth through the physical structures which have survived , and as a way of interpreting legend , the Spectrum of Response is also a framework into which we can fit our own relationship to the landscape .
30 As well as providing a fascinating insight into the world of nature , the six titles in Pendulum 's Discovery Video Wildlife Collection drive home the message that action is desperately needed if our environment and its wildlife are to be saved from eventual destruction .
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