Example sentences of "[adv] as [pers pn] [vb past] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Coming back round by the house for the third time , she got quite above herself , and the bike began to wobble alarmingly as she fought to control it .
2 She was always demanding something to the extent that she completely upset the ward routine and had the nursing staff , much as they tried to sympathize with her , at the end of their tethers .
3 Much as he desired to make cuts , Eisenhower in the end decided not to risk a general crisis in the Atlantic alliance by precipitate unilateral action .
4 Much as he wanted to pound Ralf into the mud , he contented himself with sending the fellow a narrow-eyed glare which brought a look of respectful caution to the pedlar 's usually cheerful countenance .
5 I thought then that , much as I longed to see him , it might be as well to start hoping he would n't come back until I could truthfully tell him there would be no baby .
6 Much as I wanted to read the good news on my walk home from the newspaper shop , I was forced to concentrate on my footing on broken and delapidated pavements , strewn with take-away food rubbish , wrappings of all kinds , and collections of weeds , heaps of dog dirt and drinks cans .
7 Much as I tried to break in several times , they always caught me and would n't let me in to see the poor people travelling .
8 Much as she deserved to travel the world with people of her own social standing , she could no longer hope to do so with a happy hear and a clear conscience .
9 Much as she hated to admit it , there was a certain crazy logic in Candy 's theory .
10 Much as she hated to admit it , it was a nice name , masculine , strong , yet soft and pleasant to the ear .
11 It was a pursuit which we could only continue , of course , so long as we managed to sell our films to commercial television simply on the strength of their entertainment value .
12 ‘ Leeds City could not be suspended as a club — we had no power to do that ; but so long as they refused to give up those vital papers , we could have no way out save by expelling them .
13 Luckily Tim Dunton had been very understanding , telling her not to worry and to take as long as she needed to sort matters out .
14 Eve had been there for as long as she remembered to help her fight her battles .
15 Why not go along with Luke 's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink ?
16 He said the atmosphere at each gathering had been one of calm , loving concern , and this would continue for as long as it took to get the children home .
17 ‘ Again , I lived with Mike for as long as it took to get the divorce and then I arranged the wedding .
18 Writing a doctorate on the British response to the church conflict in Nazi Germany , I was well aware that Dietrich Bonhoeffer had refused to grant that the established national Protestant Church was in fact a Christian church so long as it refused to ordain people who were racially Jewish .
19 Paul wriggled , and the look on his face seemed to indicate that he would n't actually mind wasting anything , just so long as he got to hit the bell with his plank of wood .
20 For him , this meant giving master classes in duplicity in order to keep both Axis and Allies in play for as long as he needed to achieve his economic , military and , above all , territorial objectives .
21 ‘ So long as he promised to give the heroine more character and personality , that is .
22 He said the Government had failed to understand the depth of feeling amongst unionists , especially as they had to share the council chamber with Sinn Fein .
23 As the ubiquity of stellar coronae had only just been discovered with the Einstein Observatory , the absence of coronae for stars of this type was tantalizing , especially as they seemed to disappear rather rapidly ( on an evolutionary timescale ) .
24 Disgruntled at not being attended to immediately , especially as he wanted to buy a large country mansion , he stormed out and decided to buy an estate in France instead .
25 ‘ The name my mother put on the birth certificate as the child 's father , ’ he explained impatiently as he turned to face her .
26 Some of the sepoys were shot or cut down as they struggled to get over the possessions ' which stuck out jaggedly here and there ; a sowar pitched headless from his horse on to a silted-up velvet chaise longue ; a warrior from Oudh dived head first in a glittering shower through a case of tropical birds while a comrade at his elbow died spreadeagled on the mud-frozen wheels of the gorse bruiser .
27 They said one Pakistani soldier , five of his countrymen and three Americans were injured in the three-hour clash , the worst since the weekend killing of seven Nigerian troops trapped by a mob and then gunned down as they tried to flee .
28 More sepoys poured forward over the bodies of their fellows and a number of the defenders who had lingered too long hammering nails into the vents of the cannons were cut down as they tried to make their way back to the shelter of the buildings ; many more would have perished had not a small rescuing party which included Rayne , Fleury , half a dozen Sikhs and a couple of Eurasian clerks , wielding sabres and bayonets , surged forward in a sudden counter-attack to surround their companions and drag them back .
29 The officer was run down as he tried to wave Haytons motorcycle into a layby on the A5 near Weedon in Northamptonshire .
30 Norman Dale , 50 , was struck down as he tried to pick up a cup of tea .
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