Example sentences of "[adv] they [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 S so they came with the keys for me , the shop keys , and to say goodbye to us .
2 Those who attempted to manage the political affairs of a county or district of burghs had not only to contribute towards any public project in their area , they were expected to be the leading subscribers , and it mattered little whether or not they agreed with the project in view .
3 The higher the temperature of the gas , the faster the molecules move , and so the more frequently and harder they collide with the walls of the box and the greater the outward pressure they exert on the walls .
4 Indeed , in many organisations , the tasks of project appraisal have been taken over by corporate planners , whose primary concern is to ensure that projects , however viable , possess ‘ strategic fit ’ , ie they conform with the long-term aims of the organisation .
5 If the Spanish government pays an agreed sum it has to be agreed then they stay with the rest of the paintings .
6 Then they joined with the Merseyside groups in their Liverpool activities .
7 But men do not want to get into demeaning details about how they help with the housework : few admit to doing the washing up .
8 Or they may wish to discuss their present lives with each other , and compare how they cope with the problems and difficulties of being old .
9 All the perennials are bought in containers and I grow them for a year in their pots to see how they cope with the conditions , then I plant them out in the garden . "
10 YOUR AUTHORITIES ' PLANS : The spending plans for each of the local authorities in your area are shown separately on your bill so that you can see how they affect the level of your community charge and how they compare with the amounts for a standard level of service ( see next note ) .
11 Their will be work on individual and unit skills , together with a session of fitness testing to give the players an idea of how they compare with the elite .
12 New applicants for a listing will be expected to report on how they comply with the code as part of their listing particulars .
13 They are also encouraged to rate their anxiety on a scale of 0–100 , and to describe how they coped with the anxiety ( see Figure 3.2 ) .
14 Although I shall cricitize this theory of responsibility below , we should next complete this outline of choice theories by examining how they deal with the question of what kinds of obligation should the state enforce .
15 This is not to say that man can mine coal where it does not occur geologically , or that some settlements do not originate because of the existence of some material which the inhabitants extract ; what it does mean is that people themselves determine what is exploited and how they deal with the extraction .
16 These firms survived and prospered until 1902 , when they merged with the Union Bank which in turn was absorbed by the National Provincial Bank .
17 WC apps : 6 Austria gladdened a few hearts in 1978 when they beat West Germany but lost a lot of friends in 1982 when they conspired with the West Germans in the cynical exercise which froze out Algeria .
18 But there remains a commitment on the part of the police to the principle of improving police relations with the Catholic community , and they try in several ways to overcome the practical difficulties schools are presented with when they associate with the community relations police .
19 They actually set up villages , which are in erm you know usually in rural er surroundings , and erm er they have erm usually I mean they 're mentally-disabled people there , and erm er they set up the village so that there are able- bodied people in there , and yet they live with the er mentally disabled people , you know they have houses and they the erm in inverted commas normal people have erm children and all this sort of thing , erm and yet they have erm er some of these mentally defective people living with them in the house ,
20 The people of Weinfelden seem to have a flair for putting window boxes of scarlet and pink flowers in places where they blend with the half-timbered fronts .
21 It took Daphne several attempts to explain what ‘ riding to hounds ’ actually meant , though she had to admit that even Eliza Doolittle would have been hard pushed to understand fully why they bothered with the exercise in the first place .
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