Example sentences of "[adv] so [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 right , now there is a precise and an exact way of working your way through it , right so maybe while use my words right , they might not be the same as yours but they will be roughly what you said a minute ago , right , what was your words , some of it ?
2 You can concentrate on two things for only so long as changing positions to help the photographer and holding the adult shearwater proved .
3 Although the majority of scientists tend to be a little coy about metaphysical matters in their professional publications , they are often less so outside when writing elsewhere , being prone to describe the framework of presuppositions about perception within which they conduct their investigations as if it were a discovery in its own right and that ‘ discovery ’ an explanation of perception .
4 ‘ Those notices , ’ announced Gus clearly to the general air , but not so loudly as to reach unauthorised ears , ‘ mean exactly what they say .
5 The list of sins , venial and otherwise , was long , but not so long as to come as a surprise .
6 He had then gone to Hollywood in the early fifties and stayed there long enough to show that he could cope with the system and be moderately successful , but not so long as to alienate his chauvinistic British following .
7 The day had been hot ; in fact , the previous week had been very hot and so the roads and streets were paved with ridged flags of mud , hardbaked , but not so hard as to prevent their surfaces being skimmed off into dust which , in some streets of the town , seemed to be floating waist high like a mist rising from water .
8 Not so quietly as to escape the attention of the ever-vigilant Scottish recruitment machine , however .
9 Hilts has fallen under the spell of each in turn — not so deeply as to distort fact , but deeply enough to lose the sardonic , sceptical qualities that ought never quite to desert the journalist .
10 He had left home so hurriedly as to have packed not one of the poetry volumes that he was very seldom without .
11 And if a new kind of replicator takeover is beginning , it is conceivable that it will take off so far as to leave its parent DNA ( and its grandparent clay if Cairns-Smith is right ) far behind .
12 It 's just , I I you know , we were there and we 'd sort of gone past so rather than reverse
13 She said : ‘ We are guilty of failing to provide for what is clearly a statutory service and I am truly appalled that we slipped up so badly and made such a serious mistake .
14 ‘ Very like ! ’ he said , knowing it was true , and knowing that he would not hold back so long as to let it be true .
15 WITH the object and intent of affording to the Vendor a full and sufficient indemnity but not further or otherwise the Purchaser hereby covenants with the Vendor that he the Purchaser and the persons deriving title under him will at all times hereafter duly observe and perform the covenants contained or referred to in the Conveyance so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and remain to be observed and performed and are capable of being enforced and will indemnity and keep indemnified the Vendor and his successors in title from and against all actions costs claims and demands in respect of any breach non-observance or non-performance thereof so far as aforesaid
16 Through the winter months , the larger firms gave further assurances that they were willing " to take immediate steps for the gradual reduction of female comps " ; some it seems went even so far as to dismiss women .
17 Richard was still not allowed to speak — he was not recovering quite so fast as had been expected — and he could make little reply when Laura told him that this was exactly the kind of thing she had expected all along , and that she would see about disposing of Lord Jim immediately .
18 I would hear gruesome or stirring stories from the Old Testament , miracles from the New , or rousing appeals from the pulpit , and think , ‘ How can they sit there so still and do nothing if it 's all true ? ’
19 It describes the present position but draws attention under the heading De-materialisation of Listed Securities to the aims of the TAURUS project which may be achieved shortly after this edition is published and which will change the position markedly so far as concerns fully paid securities of listed companies .
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