Example sentences of "[adv] have [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then if we get agreement on a salary increase then we only have to pay it to one person
2 What mu a a th agent says I only have to pay it off a day
3 No cos you , you only have to have it on volume three to get the same amount of noise out instead of volume two .
4 Because you only have to identify them by a name not not a
5 ‘ I feel fine and in any case I wanted to be here in person and not have to watch you on television .
6 You no longer have to bring it within an exception .
7 DEC 5 : Booked again following long-running feud with Southampton defender Ken Monkou , who says : ‘ He 's got a temperament , but you just have to leave him to it and do n't argue with him because that 's what he wants . ’
8 And we 'd go to the theatre or but I mean we do all that sort of thing still but we just have to cram it into the week .
9 Now you just have to tell me about that that peedie er shop again Vera .
10 I do n't know , just have to play it on the piano I think before you oh Tim , what have you done dear ?
11 Well he 's still have to put it in his ears .
12 a point at the moment , with the life of the county , I think that we should great potential and great opportunity available to us , and I do hope that all members will er , and I 've written to all our members of parliament with a copy of my letter , er , I had I 've had er , I know it 's been the Christmas period , and that they 're only just getting back into things , and there 's been a lot of diversions at length , and I do have a letter from , er I heard from er , Edward , er , Mr Edward Lee , and and , I still have to hear it from er , the rest of them .
13 then you probably have to take it from that and I think you 'll find there 's a weeks work on there .
14 And you probably have to hire them by the week do you ?
15 There now exist community groups of a greater or lesser degree of militancy which have eschewed political parties as the main vehicle of their demands ( although they often have to use them in the later stages of campaigns ) .
16 We now have to buy it from our petty cash .
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