Example sentences of "[adv] at the [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 I was impressed by Lovat 's manner during the landing , on the beach under fire , and especially at the crossroads as he stood and directed the attack on the village of Amfreville .
2 She looked down at the ice as she spoke .
3 Quickly dragging her gaze from his splendid body , Polly stared with intense concentration up at the mainsail , then down at the compass as embarrassment flamed her face .
4 Bridhe smiled down at the baby as she panted up the stairs again .
5 Glancing down at the package as though it might just possibly bite , she took a deep breath and began to unpick the sellotape that held it intact .
6 But I will never forget that time we both watched your father walking back and forth in front of the summerhouse , looking down at the ground as though he hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there . ’
7 He smiled fondly at the girl as he spoke , and Paulette , who in truth was very pretty , blew him a kiss before lying back on the pillows .
8 The horses nosed patiently at the ground as they waited .
9 Nails screeched and popped , and the board juddered away at the bottom as something outside slammed against the wood .
10 The root is at the top , as in Figure 5 ( not at the bottom as in botany ) .
11 Juliet glanced quickly at the girl as she folded up the stethoscope .
12 I suggest we put it once at the end as erm , item so and so , so and so , so and so , are two piece construction .
13 He stands looking straight at the judge as the clerk reads out his name and that of his co-defendant , Robert Lopez , who is charged with manslaughter and inflicting grievous bodily harm .
14 Antiscum did OK at the weekend as it happens .
15 I was practically up at the top as well , I was really pissed off , just sitting there for like , for two hours , whilst my dad went all the way down to the bottom of this thing .
16 Maggie gazed anxiously up at the sky as she and Nevil emerged from the Sauchiehall Street picture house that he 'd taken her to .
17 Like dacite domes , rhyolite domes often form within the crater of a preexisting volcano , but they may equally well pop up at the surface as isolated extrusions , not visibly related to any volcano .
18 He rested his dark head against the pillows and gazed up at the ceiling as he spoke .
19 up at the back as well there .
20 About 20 travellers turned up at the court as one of their group , Gary Frost , 28 , father of a year-old daughter , was due to appear from custody .
21 You 'll pick me up at the flat as usual on your way into town this evening , Rory ? ’
22 Carol looked up at the weathercock as the car drew up at her house in the cobbled square .
23 The other two were — ’ he looked up at the roof as he struggled for the word ‘ — how you say , scared of him ?
24 He expects me to carry on up at the manor as though it 's just another working day. ?
25 Look carefully at the pavement as there are many details that tell a story .
26 You wander in , you pay your ninety P , and I say If you just go through that door please , and the next minute I 'm out at the bar as well saying What would you like to drink ?
27 The computer recognises some of the words and phrases which the child types in and reflects them back at the child as open-ended questions that encourage the child to reply .
28 All turned to look back at the door as the footsteps approached on the flagstones .
29 She sang Susanna earlier this summer in Simon Rattle 's period Figaro for Glyndebourne ( due to be seen on BBC TV before Christmas ) and is now back at the Coliseum as Pamina in Nicholas Hytner 's luminously hieroglyphic Magic Flute .
30 He increased his pace and arrived back at the hall as the church clock was striking six .
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